Chapter One: Lost in thought

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Ria's POV-

I've never been one to win or be popular. I've never been one to go to parties, or even be invited to one. Me? I've always hidden behind a crowd or never go somewhere just because there were people there. I know that I'll never be sporty or popular. I'll just leave that up to my sister and brother.

My sister, Gemma, is the most popular person in our grade. She has all the friends. She has all the boys drooling over her. We may be identical twins, but we are the most opposite people you will ever meet.

My brother, Toby, on the other hand, is the captain of the basketball team. He's a senior this year, while my sister and I are freshmen. I really hope that once he leaves, more people will notice me.

I've always just accepted the fact that I'll never be popular or sporty. I have one friend, and one maybe friend. My only real friend is my sister, and my maybe friend lives across the country. I wonder-

"Mrs. Harrier?" Oh no. Mr. Gannet asked me a question and I didn't hear it.

"Uh..." I said.

"Pay attention next time, Ria, please." He turned back to the board. That's the third time this week I've lost myself in thought. Hopefully I'll focus more now. I look up at the clock. Almost time to go home...

(A/N) My first story! Hopefully everyone who reads this enjoys!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2017 ⏰

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