Chapter 1 | Adaliz Fischer

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Hello, I'm Adaliz Fischer.
I may be nerdy, but I'm not your typical nerd.
I'm no straight A student, let's just say I'm a curved A student.
Am I good at recitations? Your answer is: No.
I have a panic attack when I go on large crowds and my stupid teachers won't believe me.
Enough about my education life, let's go to the main focus in why I'm here.

That's Zara Eloise, the only French student in Saint Lucia.
Don't tell anyone, I caught her sucking a baguette.
That's noted, "If the baguette's too hard to bite, suck it back and forth.".
Anyways, let's move on to the next person.
Hirai Hinata, the Japanese sunshine.
Honestly, I would need sunglasses to see her.
She wears flashy clothes to school and Over-the-top accessories to come with it.
They both are kind, but it's only limited to the people who "Dress well".
I still wouldn't be friends with them though.
They're picky with people.
Let's go to class now and get a view of them on what they actually act like.
_______________________CLASSROOM __________________________

I take a seat and see Zara and Hinata.
Honestly, I'm scared to have my name called again.
The last time they pronounced my name was a complete failure.
The teacher has his attendance sheet ready and his voice ready to pronounce.
"Aydaliz Fiksher?" The room goes dead silent and I make that frowning face.
The Teacher absolutely knew he did it wrong.
"Did I pronounce it wrong?" The room is still dead silent, and I nod my head yes.
"Adaliz Fischer, Sir." The teacher had a shocked face in his face and had his laugh on his own mistake.
It's another boring class, everything's been the different and boring since Mrs. Delilah died.
Oh and how she died? It was cruel.
A psycho student decided to stab her with a pen because she wouldn't give her a 100% grade on her worst subject.
It's the first day anyway, it's introduction day. The teachers tell their life stories and other sh*t.
No need to pay attention, so I daydreamed my way to the end of class.
The bell rings and the whole school floods to the hallway to the canteen.
When the hall goes empty, I make my way out the door.

Once again, I'm not your typical nerd.
I have friends.
Her name is Oliana and she's Polynesian.
We sit together in the corner of the canteen and talk about our summer.
"So how was your summer, Adaliz?" I think because I have nothing exciting in my life.
"It was better than nothing I guess, I used my phone." That was the only thing I enjoyed this summer, my phone.
"Ah, ok. I had the same summer as you." She smiles and pushes back her hair.
I ate my fruit loops and left ten in the small box.
Because that's how my mom likes to torture me.
She always told me to leave ten pieces in every finger food so you'll get a few percent thinner.
It's sad, your own mother doesn't like the way you look.
Anyway, let's skip my boring school. There's nothing else that I need to tell you about it.

I walk out of the main door and hear a scream.
My curiosity brought me to where the sound came from and I saw.
Hirasawa Mio, another Japanese student being hanged in the school's tree.
I look closer and focus my eyesight on the person hanging Mio.
There I saw, Jacqueline Hale, the straight A student hanging Mio.
I didn't have any equipment on capturing such a thing for reporting, until Mr. Clay walked out of the classroom.
He ran outside to Jacqueline and untied Mio.
And of course, Mio was unconscious and Jacqueline ran for her life.
The school's violent, some have guns in their bags and Swiss knives on their pocket.
I run back home as fast as I could.
I open the doors and here I saw what I didn't want to see.

My Mom moans and kisses a man I've never seen before.
I knew, it's one of the men she meets in the club and calls them "True Love".
She'll never know they only want to get under her pants.
She'll never know.
I walked to my room and took off my socks and went to my phone immediately.
And oh my, I didn't want to see this horrible picture again.
And even ONLINE!

Thank you for reading the 1st Chapter of Faking Death.
This took me about thirty minutes to finish!
Please comment and I would appreciate a vote and a follow.
Thank you and enjoy your day.

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