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Just know that English isn't my native language, I'm sorry if there are mistakes. Hope you like it.

To say that Bambam was jealous was a bit of an understatement. ˋ'Why ?'' you'd ask. Well, seeing his boyfriend being all lovey-dovey with the other members wasn't really what he imagined when he asked Yugyeom if he wanted to go on a date with him.

«But we should ask them to come with us, come on Bambam. We've all been so stressed lately, it would be nice to have some healing time together.»

And Bambam being himself couldn't bring himself to say no to his Yugyeom. And here they were, all sat around a campfire. Everything started nice and cool, first they were singing then they were eating while talking to each other about things that they wouldn't usually say. And that's when the problem appeared.

«Yugyeom, I know you don't want me to talk about this but... I miss the time when you would come to my bed at night just so that I can play with your hair until you fall asleep, or when you would wake me up so that I can make up your breakfast. Something changed, I don't know what but... yeah, I miss you.»

Nothing about this was wrong, right ? They weren't aware that Yugyeom was his boyfriend, Mark was aware of it and Bambam was glad that someone like him was here for Yugyeom everytime he couldn't. But still, why was Yugyeom sitting so damn close to Mark body ? Bambam sat there, not a single word escaping his mouth, and it looked like nobody cared. His eyes couldn't get off Yugyeom's hands. They were on Mark's and his fingers were brushing over his skin. What was he thinking ?

«Guys, I'm heading to the dorm. I'm a bit tired and... well, I think me being here is pointless since I don't have a lot to say.»

He felt Yugyeom's eyes were on him, but he couldn't care less.


Once he got back to the dorm, he took of his shoes and put his bag on the little table next to the small table that was in the entrance. He sighted at the view of Yugyeom's message.

From : yugy
Do you want me to come ? Are you sick ? Should I buy soup or something like this for you ? Do you need anything ?

To : yugy
Don't, stay with Mark.

From : yugy
Did I do something wrong ?

To : yugy
Don't act like you don't know what you did.

And with that, he turned off his phone and went to shower. The shower took longer than it usually did. And maybe that's why he was so surprised when he heard a knock on the shower's door. He knew that this was a member because the security in front of the building was way too strong to let anyone else in. And, as he already showered with all the members; because you know, after an entire day of practice you want thing to get done as quick as possible; he simply said :

«What ? Who's that and what do you want ?»

The next thing he felt was two hands around his waist, and a body finding its way against his.

«Bambam, why did I do ? Tell me and I'll go.» Yugyeom whispered into Bambam's ear, getting closer and closer to the older.

«And what if I don't want you to go ?» Bambam suddenly said, making a 180 degrees turn so that he was now facing a naked yugyeom.

«Nice, because I don't want to go either. Tell me now.» The taller said, slowly moving his hand on Bambam's thigh.

«You were... to close... to fcking close with... Yugyeom oh my god.»

Yugyeom was teasing Bambam, that's for sure. His hand was now making some up and down movements in order to pleasure his boyfriend. He knows too well, Bambam never talks about his feelings and never admits when something make him mad. But he did it tonight and Yugyeom felt like he should give a little gift to his boyfriend. His first time. So he removed his hand from where it was previously and took Bambam's hand, took him into his non-shared bedroom and sat him down on his bed, still naked.

«Bambi, be good to me okay ? I trust you.» was all Yugyeom needed to say before Bambam took control over the situation.

Starting from the top of his body, Bambam slowly went down while pressing kisses everywhere he was able to. He said so many pretty things this night, oh yes he did. And all that matters is that they fell asleep in each other arms not bothering to shower or anything, as if nothing happened earlier.

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