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"You'll be ok right?"

The grey queen laid in the shadows of an alleyway, her mate crouched next to her and saying his goodbyes to her.
Currently, Bloodclan was readying for a battle against the forest cats for their rights to the forest.

"I'll be fine" the small black cat assured the queen. "I'll come back in two days, and see you and the kits" he looked down with his cold blue eyes at the three scraps of fur at the grey queen's belly. Just born today.
"Promise you'll be ok, Scourge" the queen begged.
Scourge sighed. "Yes I promise, Cinder" he licked over her head.

Cinder curled her tail over her three kits, her grey fur rustling in the wind. Her green eyes softened and she went up, licking Scourges nose lovingly. "I haven't named the kits yet.. if you wanna do that now, before you leave" she suggested.

Scourge looked down at them. He looked at the black Tom with the single white paw, the silver she-cat, and the grey she-cat in the middle with a white tail tip, chest, and a single white paw.

"I'll name middle one" he licked the tiny grey and white she-cat. "Plague." He whispered, and she squirmed. "And the black one" he looked at the one tom. "Curse" he licked the tom.

"And Famine" Cinder spoke, licking the silver she-cat.

Scourge purred, a flash of rare affection showing in his cold eyes. "They'll be fine fighters one day" he said. "I'll see you after the battle" he licked the top of Cinder's head before turning and walking out of the alleyway, motioning for his warriors to follow.

The last Cinder ever heard his name was from the warrior who brought the news he had been struck down, and she was then given his tooth-laddened collar.

He never returned.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2017 ⏰

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