Release Me

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Something is going on here

I need to figure it out

Before my fragile heart goes still


Alexia Richardson

This is still a draft so sorry if there are mistakes, which I'm sure there are. Enjoy! And please comment and vote. Thanks :) Also no copying this story. It's mine so if you steal my story I'll hunt you down myself. Copyrights!

This book takes place in the future. So here are the definitions for some of the technology of the future:

DSS- digital small screen

DLS- digital large screen

Hullo- a vehicle which you give the destination and it takes you there

Jeepod- jeep version of the Hullo

FFM200- fast food machine Model #200


Your heart is fragile. The four words every teenage girl in the year of twenty-ninety-five wants to hear.

More like my worst fear has become reality.

"So how long is my treatment going to be?" I look at the young doctor, whose hands are stuffed in his white lab coat pockets.

He smiles at me, revealing pearly white teeth. "Only a few months or so."

"A few months or so," I echo. Like that's no big deal at all. This is my life we're discussing here, for goodness sake.

"Yes, but you'll be cured once it's all done."

"Not if I die from my fragile heart before you can cure me," I snap a little too harshly. I'm the one who feels the fists slowly closing around my heart and suffocating it, not this stupid doctor. So how dare he tell me that this would all be over soon? That I'll for sure be cured. Because maybe... maybe I won't.

My fingers curl into fists, my eyes fixed on the lime-green tiles. I'm not interested in being optimistic. Too many have died from this, who says I won't be one of them?

"Alison Margaret Rose," he addresses me by my full name, not a good sign, "Many teenagers these days suffer from fragile hearts and only fifty-seven percent of them die from it. That's why President White launched the cure for free, so we can help the younger generation from dying out."

Only? Fifty-seven is more than half which still isn't a good sign for me. All I end up saying is, "I know."

"Good, now why don't you go speak to your brother. He seems anxious to hear from you. You have fifteen minutes before we take you to the clinic."

I nod, jumping down from the hard metal table I've been sitting on, and walk through the glass doors into the connecting room.

"Alice." My older brother Danny's eyes-- the same deep blue inherited from Dad--are scanning me over, his face falling when he sees my expression. "What did the doctor say?"

"I have a fragile heart." My voice is low, my tears breaking free and rolling down my cheeks. He pulls me close, his chin resting on the top of my head. I've always felt small compared to him.

"Everything will be okay," Danny murmurs, pushing my hair away from my face, "They'll cure you and you'll be home before you know it."

I look at him through clouded eyes. "How do you know? How do you know I won't be one of those to die?"

He looks me directly in the eyes as he says, "Because you're my little sister and I know that you're strong-hearted."

"Not strong-hearted enough to avoid one more year of catching Fragile Heart Syndrome. Not as strong-hearted as you," I say bitterly.

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