The Butler; A Butlers Weakness

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(Hey quick authors note this will be a bit of a dark fic, this is based off if two things, heartbreak hurts and a great fan fiction I had read on Ao3 some time ago. Its for mature audiences same as my fanfic so here's the link, enjoy! ))

Sebastian pov:

Today the pain is especially bad compared to normal. Maybe it is because my death is near? I do not know, but what i do know is I must return to Boachan and start serving lunch. I can't be late again, he's starting to suspect somethings a miss and I can not let him find out about my weakness. A prince of hell can not let a little boy know such a big fault in his perfect Butler now can we? No. At least now I don't have to deal with the bothersome Spider. I was walking back to the Manor slowly taking a short cut through an alley bumping into William raising and eyebrow

"what are you doing here?"
Then the pain starts worse..........

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