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Winter runs ahead of me and disappears into the last drive on Cardiff Lane. I'm glad there's only one more house to do as it's getting dark and the valley mist is creeping through the layers of my army fatigues. I turn the corner and he's already pogoing little jumps, trying to reach the door knocker of an ancient looking house that is completely overgrown with dead ivy.

I lift him up and he smiles at me. 'What?' I ask and then follow his gaze to the knocker that is in the shape of a dragon and his smile makes sense. Winter loves dragons. For a child his age he's a big reader and he has already devoured all the mythology books in the community library about dragons that supposedly flew around Wales back in the day. Dragons are one of the main things that he likes about our move to the Welsh Valleys, that along with rugby and the word 'lush'.

Personally I don't like anything about it at all.

He bangs the heavy dragon head three times and goes to bang it again but I pull him away and notice the beautifully carved wooden heads that hang suspended along the eaves that look like sleeping angels. The door opens and a pale looking old man stares at us through tiny round glasses.

"I'm sorry, how did you find us?" he asks.

I look at his threadbare clothes and bare feet; he's very pale, like an albino.

Winter holds out his half full sponsorship card, looks at me and gives a little nod. I take a breath and drone the same sales pitch I've been hawking around town for the last two boring hours in an effort to help my little brother.

"We're collecting for his school gym, he's doing a sponsored walk." I say and smile.

The old man rearranges his glasses and looks at us with piercing green eyes, as if he's looking at specimens under a microscope; there's something about him that gives me the creeps so I discretely take hold of Winters hood.

"Apologies, do come in, where are my manners, come in come in", he says and scurries back into the house.

"No thanks, we'll stay here". I say

He stops, turns and looks at me.

"Don't worry young lady, I'll leave the door open" he rushes into the house revealing the long dusty hall behind him. "We so rarely get visitors, is it the full moon already?" he says as he disappears behind a curtain at the end of the hall.

Winter breaks free and runs in.

"Get back here" I holler but he's disappeared into a doorway and out of sight. I chase after him past stuffed animals and weird faded maps and enter an amazing double height room with ornate wooden panels. It looks like it should be in a castle and not at the end of a suburban house in Penrith. Ancient books sit dusty along the walls in tall wooden bookcases, creepy ancient looking facemasks hang over the fireplace and the old drawn curtains throw a yellow hue into the room making it feel like the British Museum, but with coffee stains.

"Look at this", says Winter holding up a skull with long fangs to his face.

"Put it down" I say but he's already moved along to another weird looking skull on the fireplace.

"Cool" he says as the old man re-appears rummaging in an ancient leather purse.

"Ah you've found William, he's very much a rarity. Now, how much would you like?" he asks.

"It's 50p a line but you get four lines for £1.50p", Winter says proudly.

"Well then, give me £3 worth" the old man says with a smile.

Winter is over the moon and looks at me with a big grin. I nod and, as he rips out raffle tickets and hands them to the old man I notice something strange on the desk in the corner of the room. The desk is covered in open books and papers but something catches my eye, like a reflex. On the desk is a steaming cup and in that cup is a spoon...that is stirring itself! It rotates gently, never touching the edges, not making a sound. I look away and look back again only to find the spoon still stirring. My sudden head movement causes the old man to follow my gaze and he suddenly shoves his face in front of mine obscuring my view of the cup.

"And you young lady, are you collecting for anything?" he says while moving around me.

"No, I'm just helping my brother", I say and look around him at the desk, but the spoon has stopped moving and now rests motionless against the side of the cup.

I feel the old man's cold hands on my shoulders, guiding me back towards the front door so I grab Winter by his hood and drag him after me.

"Well then, off you go." says the old man with a fake smile. For someone who was so eager to get us into the house a moment ago he can't get rid of us quick enough now and pushes us along the hall and through the open door.

"Thank you for stopping by, good luck with the walk", he says and slams the door shut behind us.

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