(1) Saving You

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Picture: Aaliyah

Chapter 1

Aaliyah's P.O.V

I finished the final touches of my make up. Walking to my stand-up mirror to give myself one last look over. I looked good. I had on a Black button down blouse, a pencil skirt and black stilettos. My recently dyed red hair cascaded in loose curls down my back and over my shoulders. After seeing I looked good I grabbed my purse and keys and headed for the door, locking up my apartment as I left.

I walked to my black Camaro parked outside the apartments and got in. I was on my way to a blind date my best friend Marleigh had set me up on. This was the 2nd time this week she had set me up. and quite frankly I wasn't to happy about it but for her I'd do anything. Starting up my car and buckling up for safety I proceeded towards the little Donut shop just a little outside of town called "Sally's Donuts" it's not that far from my place only a short 20 minute drive.

Getting to Sally's Donuts I walked in to be greeted by the smell of freshly brewed coffee and Donuts. I took the booth closet to the door so that I wouldn't be that hard to find. Upon sitting down a very chipper, too chipper, waitress came and took my order.

" What will you have today hunnie" she said perkily

" I uh I was waiting for someone.... but I'll have a cup of your freshly brewed coffee please"

" Sure thing" she said and skipped away. I chuckled lightly to myself.

I pulled out my iphone and checked out the time. It was 10 Minutes pass the time we were supposed to meet but I didn't think much of it. Playing a game on my phone the waitress came back with my coffee.

" Anything else you'd like?" she asked

"no thank you" I replied.

Returning back to my phone I continued my game. What seemed like moments later the waitress suddenly came back

" Uh you sure you don't need anything? we're just about to close"

I looked up at her and furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. I just got here and they didn't close for another hour. Looking past the lady I noticed the big clock on the wall it was 11:55 and indeed they were finna close. I had been here for a hour and came to the realization that I have been stood up.... again

" Um no thanks that's it ill be on my way" I gave her my card to pay for the coffee and left a tip before rushing out of the shop to call Marleigh.

The phone buzzed in my ear as it rung and rung. I was just about to hang up when a breathless Marleigh answered the phone.

"Hey" Marleigh breathed. " How was the date" she asked.

" Marleigh the didn't show up." I Sighed. "I've been stood up again."

"I'm so sorry babe. I thought for sure this was going to be it.. Maybe the next one will be though. you know they say third time is the charm"

"NO" I snapped " I'm tired of you setting me up. I don't need your help at all finding a date"

it was silent and I knew I hurt her feelings.

"Mar ? Im sorry I didn't mean to snap. I'm just tired okay."

"Yeah okay. well I have to go. love you Liyah"

" Love you too Mar"

"bye" she called out.

"bye-bye" I answered and pressed the end button on my phone throwing it into my purse.

Saving Grace (GirlxGirl) <[Completed] >Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang