chapter 1: the concert

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"i'm soooo excited to give you your birthday present kier. well, it's more of a present to me. but you'll love it." mae tells me

"that kind of freaks me out but i'll play along" i say, obviously concerned

"good thing you only have to wait until tomorrow!"

"whatever, you know i never get excited for my birthdays. anyway, i gotta go to bed, it's already midnight."

she tells me goodbye and we hang up our facetime call. that's sort of been our ritual since middle school; we facetime each other every night before bed. always have, probably always will.

i fall asleep thinking about my past birthdays, all the themes of my parties when i was a kid, and how my friends and parents are always more excited for them than i am.

-next morning-

i woke up by my alarm, the annoying ringtone right in my ear. i usually don't need to go into work until 11, but my clients insisted their engagement photoshoot be at 8am sharp.

i walk over to my mirror, and start to do my makeup. after applying a few coats of mascara and fill in my brows, i find my way to my closet. as i look around and try to come up with an outfit idea, i absentmindedly fidget with the necklace hanging around my throat.

i've been wearing it as long as i can remember. everyone has. everyone has one, and there is only one other necklace that matches with another. everyone knows that once you find the person with the other half of your necklace, the wedding bells start ringing.

i remember reading somewhere that there's a huge chance you've already met your soulmate by the time you graduate high school. i find it discomforting that mine is still anonymous, considering the fact i'm turning 20 today and all my friends and family have already found theirs.

i realize 10 minutes have passed by the time i come back to earth from my daydream. i quickly settle on a comfortable burgundy t-shirt dress and nude strappy heels. i only have a long list of clients to photograph today, but then mae is taking me to our favorite spot for dinner.

i brush my teeth, fix up my shoulder length hair, grab my phone and keys and head to work.

-later at dinner with mae-
"i've been waiting weeks to give this to you. i'm beyond excited" she tells me, her eyes bright.

she hands me a yellow envelope with a card inside. i tear it open, open the card, and two concert tickets fall out.


"mae, blackbear is YOUR favorite singer."

"i know!! i got the tickets and i needed someone to
go with. you're welcome!!" she was talking so loud people around us glanced with slightly dirty looks

"fine, i'll go but i'm going to complain the whole time"

"oh that's not your only present" mae says with a smirk

i look at her confused and she reached in her bag and pulls out lanyards with pictures covered by plastic attached to them

"we also have backstage passes so we can meet him"


"i know i know. but you know how much i love him. and i love you, so i want you to share the experience with me!"

-2 weeks later, concert day-
i've been listening to his music more and more since my birthday. i know the words to most of his songs, so mae and i will be able to sing along with him.

i hear my phone start to ring and without any surprise, mae is facetiming.

"hey you almost ready?" she asks me, her eyes wide with excitement

"yeah, i just gotta get dressed so you can head over"

we hang up and i put on the black ripped jeans, black and white striped shirt, army green jacket, and red doc martens that i'd picked out earlier that morning.

mae walks into my apartment screaming "WHO IS READY TO SEE BEARRR" and i laughed at her. deep down though, i'm really excited.

we listen to his music the whole way the the venue, and end up getting there really early. we wait in line to get in, hand the guy our tickets, and find a place to stand in the front row.

8 o clock comes and the whole venue is full. the show sold out in hours, 500 people packed into the right space.

bear comes out, we sing along to all our favorites, jumping in the air, adrenaline pumping.

the show was mind blowing. but mae and i still have one more thing to do tonight. we wait in line with our backstage passes, watching him take pictures and hug all the fans who paid to.

it's almost our turn, and i finally see him up close.

he's more attractive then any picture or video i've ever seen of him. his straight jaw, his defined lips, even his tattoos that were visible through the thin white v-neck t-shirt he was wearing.

i caught myself starting at him, his face, his neck, his chest, his...necklace. my mouth went dry when i noticed it. the shape of it was as familiar to me as the back of my hand.

blackbear has the other half of my necklace.
blackbear is my soulmate.

hi!!! this is my first story ever & it would seriously make me so happy if you shared it with people who would be interested in it. i'm nervous about writing it but i'll continue if people are reading. thank you so much💓

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2017 ⏰

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