Chapter One

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My father died two years after I was born. I don't remember him, although sometimes I dream about him. My mother told me that he was a horrible person but I chose not to believe her. She lies a lot.

The police are at our door step all the time and I'm always answering questions, my mother tells me what to say, like she's expecting them. I've never known why they've come in the first place but I can tell it's always her fault.

I'm not supposed to pass the end of the driveway because the world is full of bad people, but for some reason I think she's talking about herself. When she's asleep I usually go out for a walk in the street. When she's working, I like to wander about and look through the windows of shops.

I'm not allowed to ask for anything and my room is very small but it's the biggest one I've had. I only have a mattress on the floor as my bed and a book that I like to write in. There was a mouse that I caught one time that I now keep as a pet I think it's a girl, I call her spark, she's my only friend.

I am not very close to my mother but she's the only one I'll get. I have never met any of my other family members other than my father and cousin Anna, although I will never get to see either of them again. My cousin Anna has just moved to Germany, she is 23 and had been saving for a while. She moved in after my dad died and lived with us for 6 years, I don't know where she went after that.

I don't go to school and have never received an education. My mother and I have very little money to buy nice, fancy things so I don't own many clothes nor furniture, however we have a roof over our heads and that's one thing. I try to avoid contact with people even though I wish I had friends, because I don't want to risk my mother finding out that I go out without her knowing or having her permission.

"HAYLEE!" Samantha called loudly.

"Yes mother" Haylee replied as she walked down the hall.

"I'm off to work, lock all the doors and don't open the door to anyone, okay." Samantha said firmly.

Haylee raised her hands and said "I promise to follow all the Haylee rules, I will stay indoors at all times, I will not look at strangers, I will not interact with the outside world and I will not make any calls."

"Now there we are good child, I should be bringing home food today" Samantha said with a smile.

While Samantha was off at work Haylee fed spark some old carrots she found in the bush and put in some new leaves for her to nest in. After that Haylee continued to write in her journal.

We might be moving soon, I don't know where but mother says she needs more money. So she is looking for a better paying job elsewhere. She wants me to get a job as soon as I turn 15. If we do move, I hope I get a bigger room and more stuff. Mum can get a car like she's always wanted.

I found an old magazine in the street and looked through it and read about this activity called dance it sounds like fun but I don't have the space to do it. I keep things like that for inspiration so I added it to my box of collectables, I collect as much as possible but it's hard with my mother around. I have managed to keep my mouse from her though. She closed her book.

Haylee went for a walk past the shops even though she knows that it teases her and she isn't meant to go past the end of the driveway she likes to see the rest of the world. She started to walk home when a boy came up to her, tapped her on the shoulder and said "I can't help but notice your amazing blue eyes."

Haylee said softly as her cheeks turned bright red "why, why thank you" she paused then added "and ah, you have beautiful hair" as he gazed into her eyes.

Then the boy suddenly looked around then said franticly "I've got to go, I hope to see you again soon."

"Um yeah you to." Haylee said shyly with a little smile.

Haylee rushed home worried about the time, she had no idea what would happen if her mum found out that she had been out. She ran through the hallway to her room and quickly hid her mouse where she always hides her. She looked out through the window for her mother but did not see her at all so she picked up her book and started writing.

I met this boy today he was so nice and cute I can't stop thinking about him, if I had friends this is what I would be talking to them about. He had the best most sparkling blue eyes in the world with softest blonde hair and the most adorably charming smile. He's so perfect! I can't wait to see him again.

I just so want to see him every second of the day and get to know him or learn about him as much as I can. I bet he's a great guy or maybe even a prince we can live together in a castle and have the cutest of kids.

1--The boy -- Haylee Broone

But what if he's not that kind of guy what if he is a future criminal coming to steal all we have as little as it is he doesn't know that. But he will be great I can just tell but he does seem to act sort of suspicious but oh well it doesn't matter until I see him again.

She heard a car pull up on the drive way as she slammed the book closed and hid it under the corner of her mattress. She quickly peeks through the window to look for her mum and a car but neither are in sight.

She flicks off the light and grabs a torch before hiding in a hole in the wall behind her door. The front door creeps open as she hears a whisper along with some footsteps.

She crouches down in the wall listening for every movement, as she hears a deep voice say, "I think its and old abandon house, no one seems to live here." The voice comes closer and starts to get louder.

Then she hears two more voices, "lets bomb the place, hahaha" in playful tone when and feminine voice adds "but, what if someone does live here, that would destroy all of what looks like nothing."

The small group step into Haylee's room. "Ahh!" Haylee squealed in a high pitched tone.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2017 ⏰

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