Chapter 1: the Tournament Begins

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Hello again folks! Welcome to my new story. Since it appears my most popular stories are my Yugioh ones, I decided to try a story with my favorite season, 5Ds. I have really seen a story like this one besides the one I did back when I was on and that was a while ago, so why not upgrade the story a bit. Since this story sorta messes with the timeline a bit, given that Yusei has a sister 6 years younger than him now, I ask you to keep an open mind and also to remember I am not entirely aware of how to play this game, so leave in the comments some tips, rules, and even what battles you want to see happen. We'll be starting at the beginning of the Fortune Cup. Also English names since that's what I grew up with.
I own nothing
Chapter 1: The Fudo Siblings
Neo Domino city, an technological advance society where dueling was considered a cultural necessity for all young people. However, behind the scenes, Neo Domino was riddled with corruption and discrimination. The most prominent form of corruption came in the form of the Satellite district, a decimated area once connected to the city when a terrible incident left the district completely isolated. For those unlucky enough to live there, life was difficult. The residents were harshly discriminated against and under brutal watch of the Sector Security who showed no remorse for those who thieve to survive. Those caught were hauled to place known as the facility and were tattooed with markers to monitor their activities.
Perhaps a shinning example of the hardships faced by the Satellites was the 17 year old Yusei Fudo, currently preparing his deck for the first day of the Fortune Cup. Now normally, Satellites were forbidden from entering Neo Domino, let alone participating in their events, however Yusei had been an exception so to speak. His motive for coming into a high risk area for him was his former friend Jack who had not only stolen the duel runner he and others had worked so hard on, but also stolen a very special card from Yusei's deck, his Stardust Dragon. After a duel with Jack, escaping the facility, and receiving an invitation for the tournament, Yusei hoped that winning would not only save his captive friends from home, but also provide him with a brighter future.
Well, him and another.
Yusei's thought were interrupted by a mass jumping onto his back, nearly knocking his cards from his hand. He turned his head to find an 11 year old, (H/C) haired, (E/C) eyed girl smiling at him mischievously. He sighed with faked annoyance but was rather amused by her playful manner.
"(Y/N), it's almost midnight, you should be asleep," she stuck her tongue out at him.
"Well I'm not the one dueling tomorrow, you're the one who should be sleeping," he ruffled her hair.
"Older brothers get to stay up late, and decided when little sisters should be in bed,"
"And little sisters get to annoy older brothers until they agree to sleep too,"
The 2 laughed, enjoying the other's company. (Y/N) Fudo was six years younger than her brother and with a completely different personality. Where Yusei was rather quiet and stoic most of the time, (Y/N) was loud, out going, and more likely to start a fight if she saw someone doing something bad. While they had their differences, they also had their similarities: besides the strange marks on their arms, both had brilliant minds, Yusei building his own duel runner and (Y/N) building what she called a duel board since she wasn't old enough for her own runner. While it was slower than her brother's ride, it let her keep up and Turbo duel well enough. Unwavering loyalty was also a trait shared by them both, especially to each other. (Y/N) would most likely follow her brother to the underworld if it meant making sure he was ok and Yusei took the position of guarding his baby sister very seriously...
Maybe a little too much
Many times he had been accused by his friends and (Y/N) herself of being a helicopter parent and being overprotective. Heck, the only reason (Y/N) was with him in Neo Domino city was because her sheer stubbornness of not being left behind won out against his protective instincts.
Yusei stood up, (Y/N) still hanging from his back, and walked to the pull out bed he forced his sister to sleep on, before plopping down on his back with sister crushed underneath. She immediately began to flail under the body of the older one.
"Yusei, get off!" He smirked at her struggle.
"Can't, gravity is too strong for me right now!"
"No it's not!"
"It is (N/N), it happens all the time,"
"You rotten brother, your weight is crushing me!" She began kicking and kneeing, trying to make him move before finally rolling out from beneath him and tackling him, starting a playful fight between the 2 before they laid down to catch their breath and laugh. Eventually, the fun came to an end as Yusei tucked in his sister and gave her a kiss on the forehead.
"Get some rest troublemaker. We've got a big day tomorrow," she rolled to her side and yawned.
"Alright, goodnight Yusei,"
"Night sis,"

Next day
"Ow! That hurt (Y/N)!" Screamed the green haired boy, Leo as (Y/N) pulled his hair into twin ponytails. Currently, the Satellite girl was helping Leo disguise himself as his twin sister Luna so he could participate in her place, seeing as Luna was uncomfortable with the whole arrangement. She gave the male twin an unamused look.
"Well this is the price you pay for sneaking into the tournament,"
The participants were preparing for the opening ceremony with a small group consisting of the Fudo siblings, the twins, Dexter, a friend of the twins and now (Y/N), and Yanagi and Tanne, two men whom the siblings had met during their stay at the Facility, one of whom had told them the Legend of the Crimson Dragon, a story which had stuck with (Y/N) for some reason, waiting in the changing room. Yusei was looking over his deck on last time, probably thinking up some strategies. Leo stood up after (Y/N) finished with his hair.
"Alright, how do I look?" Dexter chuckled a bit.
"Like a girl," Leo ignored his taunting tone.
"Great! Now I'm gonna win this tournament!" Luna, hidden by a coat and a scarf, proceeded to kick him.
"I don't act like that Leo!" (Y/N) laughed.
"If you're gonna pull this off Leo, you're gonna have to play the part better than looking it!"
"And how would you know that (Y/N)?"
"I have a sibling to, I know my way around a good lie," Yusei shot her a look of suspicion and she began to sweat drop.
"Not that...I'd ever do that to you big brother," He gave her a pseudo nuggie in response.
"You better not,"
The intercom suddenly came on, calling all of the duelists to the ceremony. (Y/N) hugged her brother quickly.
"See ya Yusei,"
"You too (Y/N),"
Yusei began to walk to the main area with Leo nipping at his heels.
"Get ready Yusei! Eventually we're gonna have to battle it out! Don't think I'll go easy on you!"
"Of course Leo, though I suggest ditching the make up," Leo's face bloomed in panic and he began to scrub off the makeup with his hands.
The remainder of the group began to walk to their seats when (Y/N) noticed Tanner lost in thought.
"Something wrong Tanner?"
"I've got a bad feeling about this whole thing,"
"Me too, I feel like we're being set up,"
"Let's just hope your brother can handle this,"

To say the small band was starting off on the wrong foot in this tournament was an understatement. For starters, during the opening ceremony, Yusei's marker had been seen by the crowd and none were too please, with whispers he had stolen an invitation to the tournament heard throughout the crowd. (Y/N) had ended concealing her own marker, a small triangle at the corner of her left eye, with her hair as to not draw attention (even though the 2 men next to her had plenty of their own). Surprisingly, Yusei was defended by another participant named Greiger who stated that since he was a duelist, he had a right to be there. Following the ceremony, Leo had lost his duel against the very same participant, removing him from the tournament. Currently, the group was trying to console him.
"Come on Leo, it wasn't that bad," Dexter tried, and I emphasize tried, to convince him.
"No, I totally blew it," (Y/N) decided to joke to try and lighten the mood.
"Nah, totally blowing it would be not even landing one attack. You did and you got some great combos off,"
The quartet of kids eventually found Yusei preparing for his duel. Explaining the situation, Yusei offered his own advice.
"What's important is that you learn from this. The experience you gain here will help later on," Leo seemed to perk up at this, since, in (Y/N)'s eyes, he hero worshiped the older male.
"Ok Yusei! But you know, you better win this tournament for the both of!" He nodded.
"I'll do my best,"
It was then another person passed them. It was a girl around Yusei's age with red hair, brown cat eyes, and red and white clothing. She seemed familiar somehow to the group. For some reason she glared at the Fudo siblings, scaring Dexter, Luna, and Leo out of her way. However (Y/N) continued to look at her. At this point, she'd probably chalk the glaring up to their Satellite origin and it'd be the end of it, but something told her it was for an entirely different reason. The older girl just glared harder.
"What?!" She knew this girl from somewhere.
"Nothing," (Y/N) stepped out of her way as she stormed off.
"What's her problem?" Leo asked.
"I don't know,"
So, love or hate it? Let me hear in the comments what duels you would like to see! Don't worry, we'll get a taste of (Y/N) soon enough!

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