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Hi!!! I'm L. If you're gonna call me anything, call me L. Makes it easier for my lazy self to type just the one letter.

I assume many of you are here because you want to hear some stories (that is, after all, the purpose of this particular book).

Well, here's one now!!

About a year ago my family and I went to see Hamilton (I do not own history or the musical). If you didn't already know, Hamilton is a hip-hop musical that follows the life of Alexander a Hamilton after he moved to America.

The seventh song, "You'll Be Back," is sort of like a break-up song from King George III to the thirteen colonies. Now, I was sick with a cold when I saw the show, so I was coughing frequently.

About halfway through the song, I got a bit of dust caught in my throat, and my right eye started to violently release a flood of tears.

My father, oblivious to the problem, assumed that I was just incredibly emotional about seeing the show. I was, but that's not why I was sobbing!

Needless to say, I really ought to cough less, otherwise this is going to happen all the time.

Well, that's the story I have today. It's over now though, feel free to go back to whence you came. Bye! I'll be here.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2017 ⏰

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