Secrets, Sleep and Snuggles

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*** Hello all! Welcome to yet another co written fic with LittleMarkimoo! We love doing these together so if you have any requests, leave them in the comments below. Now I hope y'all enjoy this Brobert fic. Thanks for reading c:***

Imagine Person A is usually the more cool and stoic one in the relationship. Imagine Person A falls asleep, wrapped around Person B. Person A, while still asleep, suddenly holds Person B tighter, as if they're having a bad dream. Person B whispers to them. "What's wrong? Are you okay?" Person A, still asleep, doesn't answer but holds Person B even tighter. Person B hugs the sleeping Person A back, saying "Shh, it's okay."

Person A doesn't remember this happening- they only remember that they fell asleep with Person B with them. Person B will always remember seeing this more vulnerable side to Person A.

Person A= Robert (Mady)

Person B= Craig (Vicky)


This was the most adorable thing Craig had ever seen. Mister macho tough guy Robert was currently wrapped around me like an octopus. Craig had become a big cuddly teddy bear to the slightly smaller man in his sleep. Robert seemed to snuggle impossibly closer making Craig smile at his adorableness until he realized he was squeezing a little too hard. He looked over and noticed that he had a very troubled look on his face. He furrowed his brows in confusion and whispers into his ear. "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

When he didn't get an answer other than another very tight squeeze, Craig started to get worried. This was Robert we were talking about. He didn't get scared. Ever. He rolled over so he was on his side and engulfed the troubled man into his arms comfortingly. He gently rubbed his back and whispered soothingly. "Shh, it's okay." Robert seemed to relax a bit and Craig was finally able to drift off to sleep.


The next morning, Robert was the first to wake up from his slumber. Confusion was the first emotion to wash over him, as he was usually the big spoon whenever he and Craig tended to cuddle. When he woke up though, and realized his face was buried in Craig's chest, his confusion only seemed to get worse. He blinked lazily, putting enough distance between them so that he was able to look up at the other male.

Craig groaned as he felt the heat move away from him. He slowly peeked one eye open and looked down at Robert. He closed his eyes again and squeezed the confused man back into his chest. "Hey there snuggle bug. Feeling better?"

Robert didn't bother to argue as he was tugged back against Craig's chest, a small noise that sounded a lot like a grunt slipping past his lips. He scrunched up his nose a bit, his mind still fuzzy from sleep. "Feeling better?" He questioned. "What d'ya mean by that, muscles?"

Craig rested his chin on top of Roberts head and sighed. "You seemed like you were having a bad dream... and you cuddled me! You didn't calm down until I snuggled you to my chest and started rubbing your back. Was it bad?"

Robert didn't often blush, but as soon as Craig mentioned that he had cuddled someone, he could feel his cheeks heat up. "I-I... I didn't cuddle you." He tried to argue. "You must be delusional from all of the protein shakes you drink, 'cause I certainly don't cuddle." Besides spooning, of course.That was different in his mind. He completely avoided the last question too, as he didn't even want to think about his nightmare.

"Sure tough guy." Craig said, drawing out he u in sure. "Whatever you say." He just sighed and rolled his eyes. He had decided that he wouldn't be able to change Robert's mind. He would need proof. So the next time it happened, he would be ready. Craig reluctantly let go of the gruff looking man and got up to get ready for the day.

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