klance one shot

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A.N Hey to the ones reading this! This is my first one shot I couldn't get out of my head right as I saw the picture above^. I made up some things so it's not at all like in the series. I already want to apologize for making Alura a bit evil for all the Alura-lovers.I hope you enjoy it.

Lance was wandering through the spaceship wondering if he was good enough for his team. These thoughts clouded his mind and he almost missed the alarm that sounded calling him to his lion.

He ran to his lion and flew out just like all the others almost at the same time. He looked around and furrowed his eyebrows.

"Ehm guys? I think it's false alarm. Nobody's attacking right?" sounded Hanks voice through Lance's helmet.

"The ship was attacked. It has to be there! Watch out Paladins." he heard Alura's voice.

Hank grunted in response. "Okay but we have to hurry up! My cookies will burn if I don't take them out and this time they will definitely come out better than the last ones."

Lance looked around and saw something flicker at the edge of his sight. He quickly turned around but whatever it was was already gone.He did that for a few times but still didn't spot any danger.

"Hey Lance, what the hell are you doing?" Keith asked.

"What the hell are you doing?",Lance barked back and it sounded too bitter, even for him,"I think I saw something. Something silver."

"Are you a crow now? Noticing only the shiny things?"

"Ha,ha. No I really spotted something." Lance said before directing his lion to where he saw the strange movement.

As he came nearer he just spotted some huge rock and furrowed his eyebrows.

"Let's go back. I think everything's clear. No need to wait here." Shiro's voice boomed as he already was nearing the castle.

Fine. But what was that? Maybe I imagined it after all.... Lance thought.

Without wanting to worry anyone anymore Lance followes Shiro's order and flew back. As he went into the main center he decided just to be his normal self.

"Hey princess, if you ever get scared, you know where to find me." Lance winked at Alura and she just rolled her eyes although he didn't care about her reaction.

After finding out about Keith having Galra blood in him he didn't care because why would he? That would still be the same annoying Keith. But the princess seemed to think otherwise.

After her holding a grudge against him and her "forgiving" him for something that wasn't his fault, they seemed to get closer than ever and everyone has noticed.

Lance quickly stole a glance at Keith. His heart started beating harder and he thought to himself: I'm definitely allergic to him.

It wasn't enough and so Lance later on caught himself staring at Keith and that mullet that actually fitted him. Sadly for him he wasn't the only one who caught himself and so Keith turned to him and narrowed his eyes.

"What are you staring at?" he snapped.

Come up with something. Quick!

"Just wondering how you deserved such an ugly face. God was even a bit too harsh too you." he answered what was in store.

Thank god he always had something to say to Keith.

"Alright. Who wants cookies?" Hank shouted with a tray of cookies in hands.

Lance walked by and grabbed one as Pidge was already there trying them with big eyes.

"Mmm-you know? It's not that bad actually!", Lance exclaimed in an enthusiastic voice although it was fake but nobody seemed to notice,"Okay,I'll just go get that sleep my wonderful body needs!"

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