Who are we? WHERE are we?

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Our story takes place in the universe of 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons, although Ed, our Dungeon Master (the fella in charge of guiding our tale and all the Non-Player Characters within it) finds it difficult to generate a story within a world that somebody else has created so he's invented his own. Luckily, he's made a map for us.

The left-hand side of the cover image is a map of Varchael (pronounced var-shay-el), the continent where our adventure occurs. If it were on an Earth-like planet, it would be found in the Southern Hemisphere, with the deserts known as the Scorching Sands to the North and a maze of ice caps to the South. The country of Baelteva (bail-tay-va) covers most of central Varchael, with Tanafarel (ta-na-fur-el) and Ilderune (ill-de-rune) to the Southwest, Isgia (iss-gee-a) and Faeralis (fay-ra-lis) along the South coast, and Eryphael (eh-ri-fail) to the Northeast. The Demon Isles can be found a weeks' boat ride off the West coast of Baelteva, the island nation of Varreace (vuh-rees) a similar distance off the East coast and the Far Realms about a month's sail further out than that.

But that's an awful lot of land to cover. The right-hand image shows the region of Eerdal (ear-dal) on the West side of Baelteva near the border with Tanafarel, just level with the Demon Isles. It is here, in the quiet, unassuming farming village of Palewood, situated on the banks of the Eerdal River (although it's little more than a stream where it passes through the village) near the East side of the Eerdal forest, where our story begins.

Having set the scene, it's time we meet the colourful characters whose intrepid endeavours we shall be following.

Name: Captain Barrett (played by Sam)
As a pirate captain, Barrett quickly assumed the role of leader among our unlikely comrades despite being the shortest of them all. A halfling missing both his legs from the knee down, he totters around on a pair of 1' peg legs that bring his total height to a measly 2' 7". But don't let his small stature fool you; what he lacks in size and physical strength, he more than makes up for in speed and dexterity. He can weave through a crowd practically unnoticed, where his pirate nature causes wandering fingers to pinch a pretty penny on his way past. His acrobatic prowess allows him to dodge airborne weaponry and launch himself far greater distances than are expected of such little legs, while his quick wit and sharp tactical mind mean he can talk himself out of almost any situation. A fan of the improvised weapon, he has been known to use furniture, his opponent's weapon and even his own body to secure the victory in a fight, as well as confusing the opposition with magical illusions. When not battling anyone who looks at him funny, he can usually be found in the nearest tavern downing copious amounts of rum, his beverage of choice, which he sometimes shares with Leviathan, his jellyfish companion who lives in a small jar on Barrett's belt.

Name: Eric Stonehammer (played by Noah)
At 4', Eric is rather short even by dwarf standards and his unusually blonde hair also sets him apart from his kin. His fine beard has proven useful on several occasions as a storage space for a multitude of small items, although following an encounter with a hungry turtle, it is now a bit patchy in places. Having been saved from drowning by Barrett, Eric has become like a loyal St Bernard, following the irritable Captain wherever he goes, trying to find some way to pay back his life debt. His skills as a healer have brought party members back from death's door on several occasions, although he has also been known to heal those he perhaps shouldn't have. Impulsive by nature, he will rush into a fight without always considering the consequences if a friend is in trouble, though generally he won't be the one to take the first swing. He's also prone to distractions and will happily frolic through snow or a meadow he happens to be passing, particularly if he's been in an enclosed space for a period of time beforehand.

Name: Ceaghlei Kurwaer (see-a-lay cur-way-er, played by Emily)
This teenaged human is the youngest party member but she's not going to let something like that stand in her way of becoming the greatest adventurer of all time; this spunky warrior would rather hit first and talk later. She's a quiet character when part of a crowd but really comes out of her shell in a one-on-one conversation and has been known to show a softer side around her many younger siblings. Her muscular build means she often gets left carrying most of the party's equipment which she doesn't mind, but the same can't be said for the times when she has to look after the rest of the party or an NPC they've picked up: just because she's a girl does NOT mean she wants to mother everyone! She's also the most wary of magic and those who wield it as her family doesn't have a very good history with elves, having fought them in the Great War.

Name: Carrion (played by James)
Given his red skin, long, ram-like horns and generally demonic appearance, it is unsurprising that this 6' tower of tiefling can rarely be found not wearing several layers of black cloaks. First hired to investigate the treatment of plague victims in the city of Ranathel, Carrion decided to team up with Barrett, Eric and Ceaghlei, believing they shared a common goal that could be more swiftly reached by working together. However, while the rest of the party take little pleasure in the spilling of innocent blood, Carrion's "no witnesses" policy didn't really stand, and he soon left their company. It is believed he went on to join a second party of more likeminded individuals who act as mercenaries for hire and are bounty hunters in their free time.

Name: Arbor Greenleaf (played by Caleb)
This mysterious man seems to have been plucked from a home in the forest near Ranathel and employed as Carrion's assistant, though he quickly decided his benefactor's methods were somewhat different from his own and that maybe these new friends he had met might be a little more accepting of him. A lover of all things natural, he chooses to wear various shades of green and brown and seems to be permanently covered in dirt; the rest of the party don't call him "The Tree Hugger" for nothing! A gentle soul, he will usually opt for the diplomatic approach, although this rarely seems to help anybody, at which point the most common Plan B would appear to be turning into a bear and clawing everything in sight. He is not, however, entirely without a sense of humour, having stuck a slightly magical false eyebrow along the spine of a tiger mouse who now calls Arbor's pocket his home and occasionally growing tree roots around the ankles of people he passes for them to trip over in a couple of minutes.

Name: Thokk (played by Harry)
Green skin and a tusked underbite give away the half-orc heritage of this hulking giant, while deep scars on his herculean arms and the 5' war axe on his back firmly warn strangers to keep their distance. This mighty barbarian hasn't had the simplest of starts to life but continues to march ever forward in eager anticipation of his next challenge, wherever it may come from; a tussle in the local tavern, a 50' monster that fell from a crack in the sky or just Captain Barrett trying to pinch his gold. But for all his physical size and strength, Thokk is a little lacking in the "smarts" department: a 7-year-old could spell better than him, occasionally deer hunting turns into attempted deer petting, he doesn't seem to understand the word "compass" and his belief that the wooden bear mask he purchased from the Mask Salesman not only transforms him into a bear but allows him to converse with one may be somewhat misplaced.

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