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    Music filled the castle. The nobility danced like there was no tomorrow, each one having paid a respectable amount of money to enter, and each one having the intent to get their money's worth from this night. Altria hadn't been this well off since its creation, with the current king doing all he could to raise the minimum living state. The slums would soon be a thing of the past, and none would have to live in poverty. The city—no, the whole country—would soon be clean enough to be considered paradise in this world.

    The king, however, was not present in the ballroom. Nor was he in the throne room, his bedroom, or even the dining hall. Instead, the king was enjoying a private meal with his family: His sister, the princess, and her husband, the king's best friend and keeper of the treasury; The keeper's sister, and her husband, the king's childhood friend; And the young child between the princess and the keeper, the only heir to the king's throne.

    Normally, the king's sister and her husband would inherit the throne from the king, but that should only apply if the new king would be younger than the late king. In this case, neither of the other men present at the table were younger than the king, and therefore cannot inherit the throne. Thus, the title of prince falls to the child.

    The city was joyous. Even out in the streets, people danced and sang. The king had already stated his intentions with the slums, and with city sanitation. These actions would mark a new era for Altria and all its inhabitants.

    That is, they would have, if they had taken place. However, a certain person in the neighboring kingdom had a different idea.

    Terimish was in a neutral state; it wasn't flourishing, but it wasn't failing, either. It had its filthy streets and run-down slums, but it also had its lavish castles and refined mansions.

    The king of Terimish was also close friends with the king of Altria. They would often visit each other and do each other favors and services, out of nothing but fellowship. Terimish was greater in military power than Altria, but Altria was greater in wealth, so the kings would often call on each other when in need of the other's resource.

    Terimish's king, however, was not as well liked as Altria's. Dislike for Terimish's king was not uncommon, but also not felt by a majority. Those that did dislike their king banded together to stage a coup. At the head of them all was the king's own general.

    Like Altria, Terimish's king had no child of his own. Unlike Altria's king, Terimish's king did not have other family to whom he could give throne rights. So, he decided to give those rights to his general, until he could produce a legitimate child.

    That general took that power and ran with it. Terimish's king was slaughtered in cold blood, as well as his entire household. When the general took the throne, he pretended he had nothing to do with the coup and ordered all its participants executed. The general turned king then raised an army and set out to conquer Altria for its riches.

    When the messenger burst into the Altrian king's private dining room with news of the Terimishan king's death, none could believe it. Sure enough, when Altria's king went to the city gates, there was the new Terimishan king, with his full army behind him, demanding submission.

    Altria did not give in easily, but was forced into submission over the course of five days. The Good King Michael of Altria was taken into the dungeons, never to be seen again. Every member of his household was publicly executed, and the soldiers replaced.

    The Mad King James drained Altria of its riches and Terimish of its military. He now reigned supreme over both kingdoms, and the other kingdoms were too afraid to challenge him. Junsho and Malaki bolstered their defenses, and Fringe sealed themselves off from the world.

    It seems the story should end here. If none remain to oppose James, why continue? The future should be evident. However, a certain trio of people escaped the castle before James assaulted it. Meg, the treasurer's sister, and Gavin, her husband, took the child heir, Ryan, and eluded capture. They changed their names, changed their lifestyles, and changed their living place, all to keep the child safe.

    They never lied to the child about what happened the day Altria fell or who he was, and as he grew older, he understood more about that day. He vowed to retake what was his, one way or another, and to avenge his family. Thus, begins our story...

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