First Shot: Swara and Sanskar's meet turns out to be a disaster

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A big hellooooo to everyone, I know no one is gonna read this stupid piece of shit. Anyway it Rosewood aka Rosy (not my real name or identity) and I love to write. Am a swasanholic!!! Just like many of you. So here is my stupid story! lets start!!!!

Sanky always has been arrogant, grumpy etc. His father was a very jolly person but he died before his delivery so the only other person who took Sankys responsibility is his bade papa, a very influential business. Everyone says that Sanky is a carbon copy of his bade papa Durgaprasad.

Sanky bro Laksh also known as Laky is jolly, who has no interest in business. Everyone says Laky is like Sanky is papa, jolly, carefree person.

Sanky somewhat dislikes Jolly peeps, well in case of Laky he had to like him. But poor Sanky didn't acknowledge that the jolliest girl in the world is gonna step in his life as his WIFE!

Other side of Mumbai, there lives the PURE bengali family, with 2 daughters Swara and Ragini. Sharmishta is looking for suitable grooms to get her 2 daughers married, on the same day. Yup, jolly Laky has to bare most sensible girl in the world named Ragini.

While Swara is care free, bunks lessons in college and the bad girl in teachers eyes, Ragini is the always attending, sensible, mature and always gets top marks in class.

Sanky is invited to Durga Puja, and Swara of course is gonna attend.

**The day of Puja**
Swara makes random comments about people and spots Sanky.

Swara: Ragible, look that guy looks so Khadoos, I hope your hubby doesn't turn out to be like him.
Ragini: Seriously, Swara my name is Ragini, and my hubby is gonna be like me, sensible. Well, he might turn out to be yours dearie!
Swara: Ragible, Ragini and Sensible combined, doesn't sound that bad! Um, no, he is defo not gonna be my hubs.
Ragini: Ragible is not my name, and whats defo?
Swara: Definitely! I thought you know everything.
Ragini: Whatever

Swara collides with Sanky while he had papers on his hand.

Sanky: What have you done, dropped my important papers.
Swara: Oyee, Mr Khadoos, it was your fault so scold yourself, I don't have time to fight with you, God!
Sanky: Admit it, it was your fault.
Swara: No it was yours
Sanky: It was yours
Swara: No, no, it was yours for Gods sake.
Sanky: You blo*dy liar!

Ragini interrupts

Ragini: You both shut up.
Sanky: Who are you to tell me shut up?
Ragini: Your mum.
Sansky: ???
Ragini: You say sorry Swara.
Swara: Ragible! I thought you were my sis!
Ragini: Ragible isn't my name, say sorry to Mr Khadoos.
Sanky: Excuse me, Miss, I am not khadoos!
Ragini: I can see how not Khadoos you are!😒
Swara: Soz!
Ragini: ???
Swara: Means sorry!
Sanky: Its okay
Ragini: Wait, you have to say sorry as well Mr Khadoos.
Sanky: What Ragible!
Ragini: Uhhh, hate you Swara, Mr Khadoos say sorry.
Sanky: Nahhhh
Ragini: Yahhhh
Sanky: Nahhhh
Ragini: Yahhhhhhhhhhhh
Sanky: Fine! Sorry!
Ragini: Good! Bye for now, Khadoos.
Sanky: Good bye! Ragible!
Swara: Cya nevs
Ragini: ???
Swara: See you never! Understood Ragible?
Ragini: Hate you! By the way, mum said to go directly to A.P Cafe after Puja. Apparently some boy is gonna meet you.
Swara: Not again.

After the Puja finishes.
Swara: Its a 15 min walk from here to A.P Cafe, seriously! You have to walk that much.
Ragini: 15 isn't a lot!
Swara: It is 900 secs! Thats defo a lot. Defo means definitely by the way.
Ragini: You said you were bad at maths?
Swara: I ammmmm.
Ragini: Alrighty!

After 15 mins...
Swara: We finally reached A.P Cafe. Now we have to look for that boy.
Ragini: Mum said his name Amrish.
Swara: Maybe, that guy there, lets ask him.

Swara to guy: Are you Amrish?
Guy: Nope
Ragini: Maybe that guy there

Ragini to another guy: Are you Amrish?
Guy: No
Swara: Ok, there is no other guy left.
Ragini: There is, that guy with glasses.
Swara: Nah, mums choice isn't that bad, he looks as he is from his Grandads generation.
Ragini: We should try asking him!
Swara: Okay

Ragini to guy: Are you Amrish?
Guy: Yes, are you Swara?
Ragini: No, Swara is her, she is next to me
Guy: No one is there.
Ragini: ? Let ms check

Ragini sees Swara, hiding behind her.

Ragini: There, she is!
Swara: I was just checking the floor.
Amrish: Okay
Swara: Are you a time traveller?
Amrish: No
Swara: But you look like a guy from 70's, no offence.
Amrish: Thank you, well in our family we try to adapt my grandads style and yes he was a guy from 70's.
Swara: Okay. Lets order something.
Amrish: I already ordered boiled veggies.
Swara: Ewww, disgusting, I am sorry not a big fan of Veg.
Amrish: In our house we have it every day. Its good for your health and makes you strong.
Swara: Okay, the order arrived.
(Waiter gives them food)
Swara: Lets start eating.
(Swara sees Amrish saying prayers)
Swara: What are you doing?
Amrish: Thanking God for food and greeting Annapurna mata.
(Swara imagines being in a very sanskari religious family, where she has to eat certain food and do crazy stuff everyday)
Amrish: Where are you lost?
Swara: Nothing.
Swara mumbling to herself: Arrey God, why are you sending me some idiots to deal with, first Mr Khadoos and second Mr Religious.

To be continued (if possible)...

Precap: When destiny makes you tied to someone you hate. Yup am talking about Swasan marriage!

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