A trip to the store - Changes everything

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Well, it's my first time actually write something on here and I would love feedback from everyone who has visited my page or read my stories. Your opinion matters and I actually am going to take my time to read them. Feel free to rate and comment. Thanks.


A trip to the store.

I came from school on a Tuesday evening. It seemed more quiet than usual and wondered why it was. I knew it wasn't because of Arella, my twin sister who went to swim practice on Tuesdays. When she's not here with me, it doesn't seem different. Usually, I'd come home to hearing loud music blasting from my neighbor, Mr. Dawn and my dog barking. This seemed odd, too odd. I went up the answering machine and pressed play. My neighbor, who usually plays his music loud, left a message. He said, "The Macintosh family. I have left for a vacation in the Bahamas for the week. Please feed Rusty, the dog and take care of him. And a special message for Elle or Rella, You do these things and I'll pay you. Call me on my cell phone to discuss it" I thought it was weird that he addressed me as "Elle" or Arella, as "Rella". He rarely called us that and usually addressed us as our full names, including middle and last. I wanted to call Mr. Dawn, but there was a part of me telling to wait for Rella and see if she wants to do it with me. I was also sensing that something was wrong. I watched a little bit of TV and texting Rella asking if she wants to help of Mr. Dawn. I knew she wouldn't get it for the next 30 minutes. I kept skipping through the answer machine and there was a message, a new message, I couldn't really figure it out whose voice it was and it listed "private caller". I just thought it was a little kid joking. I mean, it's something I use to do when I was younger. I went upstairs and changed into a different outfit. I was wearing a pink t-shirt with a white tank top under and a white hoddie on top. For bottoms, I was wearing white sweats and brown boots. I didn't care for my hair, as I put it in a bun, trying to make it look as if I took my time on it. I had no make-up on, but just dabbed on some chap stick. I remembered my mom made a list of things to buy if one of us came home and there was money attached to it. I loved when my mom included extra money for the person who's going shopping. A little reward I loved. I turned off all lights and anything that ran on electricity. I checked every bathroom and bedroom, the basement, kitchen and everywhere else in the house. I thanked my paranoia inside my head. Closed all the windows and curtains, twice. I picked up my bag and smiled into the mirror. I locked up the house and happily, skipped to my car. As I was walking to my car, I see a reporter standing there and staring at me, as if I had done something wrong. I left without looking any weirder at her. I arrived at Kroger's. Kroger is a grocery store. I hated coming here because it was under construction this time and everything was all over the place. I looked at the list and the items were: water bottles, Pringles, organic and regular bread, organic and regular milk, chocolate syrup, organic eggs, marshmallows, graham cookies and oysters. I was staring at oysters, and I felt as if something just struck me. I gathered my items and I went to get oysters. An aged man with a white beard, came up to me and asked, "M'am? Are you okay? Do you need to sit down? Do you need a bag to throw up in?" I walked off, telling him I'm fine. I went into the checkout line, as a I preceded to put my items up to be scanned. All of the sudden, the world starts spinning on me. I thought that this happen due to me not eating anything when I came home. Then, I closed my eyes and opened them, finding myself seeing the cashier asking, "Paper or plastic?". I muttered "Plastic" and it started turning very colorful and kind of gray. Cashier then says, "M'am, for the 8th time. The total is 83.54." I muttered again, "Sorry, here you go." She was trying to hand me back my change and all I heard was her yelling, "GET HELP SOMEONE! SHE'S DOWN! SHE FAINTED." And last thing I saw was my whole world black.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2010 ⏰

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