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Today, the night sky is the same as yesterday's. A cloudy mist of darkness, not a single ray of light could peer through. I want to look up, but the stars haven't been talking since. I used to ask myself if I would ever feel happy ever again. If I could feel like nothing in my life should change, that i'm perfect. Instead of feeling thankful for myself, I have been drowning in the idea of not loving who I am. They tell me that I wasn't made to be perfect, that I'm just a convenience waiting to be left behind. They would say these horrible things that I shouldn't agree with, but I did. I agreed and that pulled me under the tide even deeper. Will I ever breathe again? I didn't want this, I want to make memories and I want to live. So, I pushed.

I managed to pull myself out. The problems i'm feeling, the emotions that killed me.. Everyone around me was feeling the same too. We all didn't want to drown, but feel the wind above the surface. I realized my mistakes, and I understood it wasn't just about me. Everyone goes through this, but in the end it starts to get better and the first step to that is you. You have to make the first move, not someone else. I told myself seven words. Seven words that would change my life forever. It's that life is too short to say no. I was stopping myself from experiencing things just because I couldn't handle the voices telling me to give up. I knew I didn't want to give up, so the best decision I have ever made is to push the voices away. Get up from your knees, and run until they can't chase after you anymore. This is what I told myself, and that is how I escaped. Back then, I was drowning in a river of negativity and desolation, but I swam to the surface because I had the ability to swim.

Now, it's a new day. Overflown with positivity, I ache to spread the happiness I have now obtained. With that, a beautiful day was born for me, and it is now nightfall. I walk down the gravel, the crunching sound beneath me filling the peaceful silent void around me. Then, I decided to look up. I was met with a clear sky, a night sky I haven't spotted in days. The stars twinkled down to me delightfully, and the moon shined brightly. I now understand that yesterday's a closing door. Whatever happened in the past is now a distant memory, and i'm ready to move on to whatever challenge i'll face tomorrow. I will consume myself with wanderlust and I won't let anything hold me back. I won't say no to anything anymore, and i'll get out there and live. I breathe out and smile, looking up while speaking,

"The sky truly is beautiful tonight, isn't it?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2017 ⏰

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