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**This is very loosely edited, sorry for that. I wrote this quickly in a hotel room late at night after catching some Jimin feels.
    Backstory: You and Jimin have been close for a few years, you flirt a lot.
     I can see this being fleshed out to a longer storyline if you guys want more parts. Let me know ;)**

      I woke with a startled gasp in the pitch dark of my hotel room, the nightmare lingering in my mind like a dark shadow clinging to me. I reached blindly for my bedside lamp and flicked the light on. My bedroom shown in the dim yellow light was conforting but not comforting enough to dissolve the horrible dream that filled my mind. I grabbed my cellphone from the bedside table and swiped the screen to my messages. I clicked on Jimins name.
    Our past messages appear on the screen in blue and white bubbles. I type into the text box "Are you awake?"
    I dont have to wait long for a reply.
    My phone chimes as i groggily walk to my bathroom and splash water on my face. I open the message, "Yes. Why?"
    "Nightmare. Wyd?"
    I stare at myself in the bathroom mirror after drying my face. Dark circles shadow under my eyes, my hair is pulled up into a sorry excuse for a bun.
    My phone chimes.
    "On my way."
    I look down at my clothes; large gray shirt and short black shorts. Even though the shorts are really short and the shirt really long, it seems like im not wearing bottoms, i assume its okay to wear around Jimin.  Knowing him for years, hes seen me in a bathing suit so this shouldnt be a big deal. As i grab a water from my mini fridge a soft knock sounds.
    Looking through the peephole i see Jimin glancing around the hallway with his hands in his pockets. I unlock the door and pull it open. Jimin steps into the room, "You okay?" He asks, his big eyes searching my face.
    I nod, "Just freaked me out," i shut the door and lock it.
   Jimin opens his arms, i walk into his hug and his scent surrounds me. Hes wearing a big black hoodie and gray sweatpants. His body molds to mine as we hug and my muscles relax, "Do you want to talk about it?" His jaw moves against the side of my head, his voice slow and raspy.
    I shake my head, the soft cotton of his hoodie caressing my cheek, "Just didn't want to be alone."
   Jimin pulls away and smirks, his plump lips pressing against each other, he heads over to the bed and plops down, kicking off his black shoes, "Let's watch tv to distract you," he grabs the remote and clicks the tv on. He looks to me expectantly and i walk over to join him. I climb onto the bed and sit on the left side of him, our arms resting on each other. He smiles over at me our faces close and then focuses on the tv, trying to decide on a channel.
    For the past couple years this has been me and Jimin; sitting next to each other, comforting each other, chatting with each other. Its normal now. He's the one i message when i need someone around, someone to talk to, someone to have fun with. The other members are great for those things too but theres something about Jimins personality that is so much more. He smiles bigger, speaks more enthusiastically, laughs more openly. His eyes shine brighter. He talks about things the others dont.
    Even when we don't talk and just sit near each other silently, it's a comfortable silence. I don't feel the need to say anything.
    Jimin stops on an animated channel and we sit silently. After a while, he makes a noise with his mouth that i know means he's considering something deeply. Its a "tsk" noise that's thought provoking. His fingers are interlocked in his lap and his legs are out in front of him crossed at the ankel. I look over to him, his black hood is up over his dark hair but i can see his face. He's looking down at his hands.
    He feels my stare and looks over to me, a smile breaks his face open.
    "What?" I ask unable to help smiling also.
    He shrugs lightly and looks back to his hands.
    After another moment i start to feel a little cold, i sit up and crawl on all fours in front of me to grab a blanket at the foot of the bed. I see movement in the mirror ahead of us near the tv and glance at it to see Jimins reflection look at my backside and then move a pillow onto his lap. I look away from the mirror quickly as i grab the blanket and sit back in my spot next to him. I unfold the blanket to cover the both of us, warming up our legs.
    Jimin starts chatting about the tv show thats on but i keep glancing at the pillow on his lap realizing what it must be covering.
    Jimin has always been flirty. He flirts with everyone including his band members. He's always dancing sexily near me or winking or being touchy.  But this feels different. Hes genuinely concealing his emotions tonight. His flirting doesnt seem playful.
    I try to focus on what hes saying, something about a character on the show. I look to him and hes looking at the ceiling, smiling as he talks. The conversation trails off and we focus on the show.
    "Should i go now?" He asks during a commercial.
    "Can you just sleep here?" I ask him as i realize its 2 in the morning.
    His wide eyes search my face and he nods, "should we sleep now?"
     I consider for a moment, "yes," i decide knowing he has practice early.
    He looks unsure of what to do as i push the covers of the bed back to slip under them. He moves the pillow to stand and help me and i cant help my eyes straying to below his waist. Theres a slight bulge in his sweatpants but i look away quickly focusing on the bed.
    "I can sleep on the floor," he grabs a pillow and moves to find a spot.
    "Jimin, really?" I say incredulously, "get in bed."
    He smiles bashfully and pulls off his hoodie. His black shirt pulls up a bit stuck on the hoodie and i find myself admiring the tan sliver of skin that peeks out. He slides into bed next to me. I shut the tv off and he shuts the bedside lamp off. I feel his body shift to face away from me.
    "I hope you sleep good," he murmurs in the dark.
    "You too," i reply and face away from him. I smirk to myself and replay the images of his bulge and stomach. Heat gathers in the center of my stomach as i try to imagine more of him.
    "Are you okay?" Jimin asks suddenly.
    "Yes why?" I ask my face going hot.
    "You made a whimpering noise. Is it too dark?" He asks and i feel his weight shift again. I look over my shoulder and can see him sitting up in the dark, my eyes having adjusted.
    "Oh, no im okay..." i struggle to come up with something, "just cold," is all i manage. My face gets even hotter.
    I feel the bed move under his weight and suddenly his chest is to my back, his arm folds over me, swathing me in warmth.
    "Wow, youre warm," i tell him as i close my eyes and enjoy the feeling.
    His hard chest moves up and down rhythmically, his lean arm is surprisingly light around my body, i cant feel his lower half and i think hes doing it on purpose to protect me from whatever is happening to him. I become curious and suddenly want to know.
    I scoot my butt slightly closer to him and he pauses to move away slightly also. I frown to myself and try again. He moves away, like a dance.
    "Jimin my legs are cold," i whisper.
    "I cant," is all he says, the rest of his words hanging in the air.
    "Please, its okay," i assure him.
    After a moment i feel him scoot closer and his whole body presses agains me. The hardness he was hiding from me presses against my butt, his thighs against the backs of mine. I feel him put his face behind my neck and breathe out deeply.
    The feeling of his body against mine ignites the warmth in my stomach again. I can feel his breath on my neck.
    "Are you okay?" Jimins rough voice sounds close to my ear and a warmth forms between my legs.
    I clear my throat, "yes." Is all im able to say.
    We lay for a moment and his hardness doesnt go away. I want to feel more of it. I slightly move my butt against him pretending to shift my weight. His breath catches.
    I gulp hard and do it again, again pretending to shift weight.
     Jimins voice says my name and its like silk against my ear.
    "Please stop," his voice demands.
    I pause, "I...dont want to," i say and it feels like ive ripped a bandaid off.
    I wait for his reply but nothing comes, instead i feel him thrust slowly, gently, against my butt. I cant help the soft sound that comes out of my mouth.
    Jimins hand trails to my waist and lingers there.
    He says my name again and on his mouth its heaven, "I should turn around," he says.
    "Please dont," i beg him and move my butt harder onto him. A real groan comes out of his mouth from deep in his chest. It brushes against my neck and travels all down my body.
    "We cant," he tells me as he clenches my waist.
    "Why?" I ask, suddenly unsure of why we really couldnt do what we want right now.
    He doesnt answer for a while and then his fingers slowly slide under my shirt.
    "Jimin," i breathe as his warm fingers caress my skin moving up to the edge of my bra.
    "Ive wanted to do this for months," he whispers into my ear. His hard bulge presses onto me as his fingers slip into my bra, he palms my breast gently.
    The fire in my stomach aches.
    "Jimin, I want you," i surpise myself by saying.
    His hand slides out of my bra and trails down my stomach to the edge of my shorts. His big lips press against my neck as his fingers move down to my wet center. He groans at the slickness, "fuck," he mumbles onto my neck.
    My hips buck to his fingers, begging.
    Two of his fingers slip into me and pump the flames in my stomach. He breathes heavily with me, his hips grinding against my butt. The feeling of his hard bulge and his fingers pumping in and out of me takes me over the edge. The flames surround us and i cum onto his fingers. I moan his name because hes all i can think about.
    His fingers slow as my moans become softer. When we've stilled, he slides his fingers out of me and i hear a sucking noise as i assume he licks me off of his fingers. I gulp as a new flame ignites in me.
    I dont know what comes over me, maybe the boldness of what we are doing, or the dark room but i sit up and push him to lay on his back. I straddle him, his hard bulge, and i lean down to find his mouth.
    He figures out what im doing and i feel his hand caress my jaw, his mouth follows and finds mine in the dark. Our lips feel soft against each other, they move like a dance. His tongue slides against my bottom lip and i allow him in. As our tongues meet and wrap around each other a groan comes from his chest. His hand goes from my jaw to my hips and he holds me in place as his hips grind against me. His hard bulge sits right under my wetness. I can almost feel what it would be like to have him inside me. Im suddenly acheing for it. I break our kiss and slide down to his sweatpants. I tug them down over his bulge which springs out in front of me. I grab him and wrap my mouth around him.
    His groans, and hip thrusts, and warm skin in my mouth, makes my body want for him.
    After a few minutes Jimin pulls me away from and turns me so that im under his body. I can see him in the dark, his silouette and shining eyes. He hunches over me and sits between my legs. He slides his sweatpants off, slips his shirt off, he sits there completely nude in the dimness. His fingers grip my shorts off slowly and he kisses down my thighs leaving a trail of fire where his lips were. He pulls my shirt off and i sit up to unhook my bra. We sit there nude and on fire.
    He leans over me and whispers in my ear, "Tell me if you want to stop."
    I never will.



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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2017 ⏰

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