About The Story

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     Have you ever been mistaken,  hurt,  or no one understands you.  Well you came to the right place.  Or might not even like this book but it's up to you I'm just here to tell. This is a story of my life. It may not be as bad as anyone else's but it's my story I would like to tell. My life story has to do with mistakes, hatred, names, bullying, traders, and a lot more I will also tell. But that's a suprise yet to tell. Just to let you know a little about me.  I love horror movies, I have a lot of favorite singers, but a band I love is panic at the disco, one day I want to be a singer, actor, a successful YouTuber, and more you will find out in the story of my life. My goal for right now is to get this book out into the world to hear and to be successful in life and prove those ones who let me down that I have done it. Hope you all enjoy and stay tunned into the story.  But just to let you know I have 5 sisters and 4 brothers including me.  Have a great journey reading this!!!!

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