First Waking Moments

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*(Y/N) P.O.V*

Most children had a normal childhood. Their biggest fear was getting all muddy and paying for the consequences with their mother's sharp tongue. They went to school. They laughed and cried. Not me though. As far as I can remember I was plunged into a world of darkness. Blood-curdling screams run rampant throughout the air. Chaos tore through our surroundings like a hurricane through a small village. I remember being woken up to try and escape the masses of Sableye ripping everybody to shreds. My first steps into the outside world. Steps I took running for my life while people around me sacrificed themselves for my wellbeing. The chatters of their voice were canceled out by the screaming and crying. I recall the sight of everybody I knew and loved dying around me. The smell of death lingered through the air, like a freshly baked pie on the windowsill. Some of my youngest days are haunted by those little demon babies.

I painfully remember at one point it was just me and Papa left. Mama, who was the strongest in our village, opted to stay behind and divert them while I and Papa ran and ran and ran. I thrashed in an attempt to regain control of my body from Papa. Alas, it was no use. I looked back at her, calling her name. I could barely see her. Suddenly she turns around and lets out a warm gentle smile. She calls out to me.

"Shhhh sweetie, everything's gonna be alright. Mummy loves you very much!"

That smile, that smile alone could bring the light back to our world. That's what I've always believed. Nobody had a smile like Mama. It's a shame that the moment my life was seemingly at its brightest, seconds later it was at it's darkest as shortly after her smile was dashed by a Sableye cutting through her like a hot knife through butter. My world stops. I-I couldn't breathe. The walls began closing in on me. The laughter of Sableye raced through my mind. Papa picks me up in his arms and begins running again. He runs and runs and runs but it was no use, a dead end. That was it. Nowhere to go and no way to win this fight. The Sableye pounced on Papa and he dropped me. We both tumbled down a rocky steep slope and we fell into an abyss of nothingness. I see nothing but darkness with hints of red gracefully dancing like ballerinas through the air. There was nothing, nothing except nothingness.

Suddenly I heard a cracking noise from beneath me. I checked my body and moved all bones possible. I was certainly still alive, injured but alive. That thought perished when I had discovered that I had landed on an egg. My stomach growls and instantly I want nothing more than to start a fire and fry that egg.

"Ughhhhhhh" I hear groaning from underneath me

"W-WHAT!?" I leaped forward and it was revealed that I'd been sitting on a pokemon. The pokemon stood up and looked at me.

"Uh...Hey?" He said confused.

"Umm.....hi," I said back. I made No sudden movements or it might have attacked.

"Do you wanna tell me how you ended up falling on my disguise?" He asked. He picked up the eggshell and reveals that it was not a real egg, but in fact, a disguise made out of all sorts of trash.

"I-WAIT DID YOU JUST TALK!?" I asked in shock.

"Uh yeah, all pokemon have the ability to speak your language. We just choose not to. How do you think we understand what humans say to us when they're speaking to us or commanding us in battle?" He paced back and forth. I guess that kinda makes sense.

"Anyway kid it's too dangerous here, c'mon I have somewhere we can go" He extended his hand, paw? His limb! He extended his limb to me but I declined.

"But I have to find Papa! We got separated and-"

"Kid we ain't got time to look for him right now. I promise we'll go and get him later now please you have to trust me it's for your own good!" He urged but I still wasn't sold.

"How do I know this isn't some sort of trap huh?!" I asked but before he could answer.

"HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEH" I heard from behind me. Before I could turn to run they were already lunging at my throat. I braced for impact when.

"BULLET SEED!" I heard and saw millions of tiny seeds whizzing past me and knocking out the Sableye. He saved my life!

"Now do you trust me, kid? C'mon there might be more nearby." He started running and before I even realize it I was running with him. We ran and ran and ran. I lost track of time. Over hills, up cliffs. How far was this stupid hideout? After what I could only assume was hours. We finally reached the hideout. I was definitely safe from most Pokémon. It took ages to even find the damn thing. But after that everything seemed to have calmed down. I've been here ever since. Don't worry Papa. I haven't forgotten the promise I made to myself. I will find you.

~ (Y/N) Temporal Year 15 Day 273

"Are you finished looking over that old thing, huh princess? C'mon, we got supplies to scavenge." He slaps me on the back

"Oh screw you," I say as I get up. We begin walking down the tunnel to a Mystery Dungeon.

"Sometimes I wonder why I even have you around Treecko"

"Because you looooooooove having me around (Y/N). Don't lie I can see it in your eyes"

"Yeah, I love the thought of hitting you!"

Our chuckles echo throughout the small hallway as we enter the Mystery Dungeon.

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