Chapter 1

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I stepped out of my parent's white carriage into the sunlight. It wasn't elegant or fancy, but I didn't mind. Above me angels flew around, either stretching their wings or just flying to class. I straighten my sweater, then my bow tie. Even though I didn't have to wear a uniform at this school, I liked to wear it.

Speaking of my school, it resembled a grand castle without the stereotypical moat. Only one tower rose in the middle of its steep roofs, setting its domed roof right in front of the edge of the sun giving it an eerie half-silhouette. It resembled a Griffin's roost from the hollow room at the top. I could barely make out straw sticking out of its archways. I couldn't help but let my mind wander to what could live up there. Was I correct about it belonging Griffin? Or maybe it's a dragon dwelling. Or a pegasus nest!

I pushed the thoughts away and turned my attention to the courtyard. It was a vast field of trees and bushes. I spotted a million berry bushes -some even I couldn't recognize- and many fruit trees. It was like the school was begging for Magic Bakers to pick their fill!

I looked around at the tall iron bars fencing off the courtyard. Each side went off for what seemed like miles. I didn't expect the school to have this much ground. I could make out buildings on the horizon dotted across the baby blue sky.


I turned to face my mom. Her small, freckled nose wrinkled and the corners of her mouth dipped down into a small frown. Her brown eyes shined with worry.

I looked at my dad, his eyes too shined, but more in appreciation and pride. "Son," he had said to me the night before, "You are going to a prestigious academy. I am proud of you, no matter what."

I jumped back into the carriage and hugged them tight. "Thank you for everything!" I said, pulling back to look into my mother's teary eyes. "Mom, don't cry. I will see you before you know it, I promise."

She sniffled loudly and pulled me in for another hug. After her almost making me collapse, she pulled away and cupped my cheek. "I'm so proud of you, Sherwin. You will do good."

I gave her a sad smile and climbed back out of the carriage, this time with my satchel -all I needed since my luggage was shipped here. I couldn't forget it. It had something important in it; my journal. I know that wouldn't seem important to anyone, but it is to me.

I give my parents one more hug -plus a few tearful goodbyes- and I'm on my way to start my new life at Newgate Academy!

AN: This story is for my Fantasy/Angels/Demons AU. I hope you enjoy it. Also, this is my first (maybe second time) writing in first person so this is a challenge.

Criticism and advice is gladly welcomed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2017 ⏰

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