♥ A-l-m-o-s-t L-o-v-e-r ♥

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[A/N: hello! hope you like my First story]

This Story is not Suitable for kids..18+ lang po pwde..  wag na pasaway! xD


I sat up in my bed slowly as the sun streamed in from the window.

Sighing in defeat I rolled my eyes at myself.

I had done it again. Falling for a pretty face and a hot body.

I watched as he searched for his clothes on the floor, littered with mine also. 

I pulled the covers closer to my bare body as he turned to me and smiled widely.

This always happened. They smile,they kiss,they leave; not intending to see or talk to me again.

There were no second dates with me, there was only sex.

Good sex I have to admit but it just wasn't special anymore.

I had given up my goodies to another boy I barely knew from Adam.........actually I think his name is Adam.I pursed my lips as he leaned towards me, sinking the bed slightly.

"That was amazing,Demi."he whispered against my lips.

I smirked, leaning back to rest on my elbows.

His smile grew bigger as he leaned down, his body now fully on the bed. I guess he liked a chase

"I try." I murmured, before his lips connected with mine. I rolled my eyes as he closed his in an attempt to make the moment enjoyable.

He pulled back and climbed off the bed. I scrutinized him as he awkwardly made his way to the door. He waved his hand, then he was gone, letting himself out. I growled at the empty air.

I was sick of doing this! I knew I was a hoe, no need to say it to my face.

I slept with boys,taken or not, that was kind of my job.

I just liked the attention and the pleasure,no matter how short.

But was it so hard to ask for a relationship or for someone to love me?

Not for the slutty Demi but

for the real Demi.

I slipped out of my bed and pulled on some shorts and a sweatshirt,not bothering with underwear or a bra.

I strolled over to my full-length mirror and stared at myself.

I had sex hair...and bad.

I raked my fingers through my dark curls as my phone rang from my bedside table.

As I was about to grab it I noticed the condom still on the bed.

I grimaced.

That sloppy fuck forgot to throw it away. I picked it up and tossed it quickly into the trash bin in the corner.

I shook my head as I read the message

on my screen: Hey,babe. You wanna hang out tonight;).-Andre.

I rolled my eyes.

Translation: You wanna have sex tonight?

I guess you could say he was my "constant".

We had a special relationship(if you can call it a relationship at all).

We just used each other for pleasure, and didn't expect feelings to get in the way.

Even when we are at school we don't acknowledge each other. He's sexy as hell so I don't care. He chose me out of the million of girls at our school.

That had to admit he thought I was hot too...right?I glanced at my reflection again. Or maybe he was just using my body.

No, he would never do that to me. I was pretty....but I could still see my flaws so clearly. I bit my lip as I slid my phone open to

reply:Sure. - Demi

♥ A-l-m-o-s-t L-o-v-e-r ♥Where stories live. Discover now