Banned Love

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17 year old Dipper POV

I looked at Mabel, and wow wasn't she beautiful. Ive had a crush on her as long as I can remember. I know its wrong for me to like her, but I cant help it. I don't care what people think, because I really do like her. *Sigh* But I know she'll never fell the same. She'd think I was weird for liking my own sister. It wasn't my fault though, I couldn't help if it I liked her or not. I looked at her and smiled. she was looking down and twiddling with her thumbs. I couldn't help but smile when ever I looked at her. She looked up at me and smiled, I felt butterflies in my stomach. "um.. want to leave in a few?" she asked. "um,wait,what,umm,yeah,sure." I said as I snapped out of my daydream. I called over the watter, and asked for the check. I looked at it then took out my wallet. Im guessing Mabel had the same idea of paying because she also had her wallet out. " I'll pay.' I said. "No I'll pay. I'm the ne who insisted on us coming here. "No Mabel, I'll pay I insist." I said. " What's your reason Dipper?" she asked. "um.. well the guy always pays." I answered. "Ok I didn't want to pay anyway." she said Jokingly. "Sure." I laughed. "And I also didn't want to go here with you either." she said. "You know you wanted t go on this date with me." I told her. As soon as I said that we both started blushing and everything got quiet. "Date?! Dipper your my brother!." She nearly yelled. " Yeah, You know lets just forget it." I said as I got up and left. " Dipper! Wait!!" Mabel yelled. "Forget It" I yelled. "Dipper." she said quietly. "For-Get it." I said before leaving.

Mabel POV

"Dipper." I said quietly. "For-Get it." he said harshly. He left me standing there alone. I ran after him. "Ok I'm sorry." I sighed. "Lets forget any of this ever happened."  Dipper then looked at me with his cute puppy dog eyes. Dipper ran to me, picked me up, and spun me around. He was now carring me bridal style. I looked into his soft brown eyes. I leaned in maybe to kiss him, but he then immediately put me down. He scratched his head awkwardly. " So what do you want to do know." he asked. I shrugged. "um the lake?" I suggested

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2014 ⏰

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