Chapter 1- Snakebite

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The streets were eerily empty the morning of the Selection, everyone with any ounce of intelligence hiding inside their homes. Everyone knew that if they set foot outside their homes, their chances of being chosen skyrocketed. I sat on the couch, knowing, deep into my core, that it was to be my last Selection. That I wouldn't live to see another. I had on my favorite dress, deep green silk, with brown ribbon for straps. I had arranged my curly green hair carefully and put on the headpiece my father had given me, a delicate silver band forming a heart in the middle of my forehead with two teardrop-shaped emeralds suspended from the bottom. My mother's hoop earrings dangled from my ears and her green velvet choker graced my neck, the silver snake and chains hanging from it cool against my skin. In my lap, I held a picture of my parents. My human mother, Katarina Scott, stood arm in arm with my Naga father, Shuszasyo. I shared my mother's mocha skin and wildly curly hair, as well as her pointed chin and confident smirk. My father had given me his hair color, a dark forest green, and the straight shape of his nose, alongside the vibrant yellow snake eyes and the forked tongue that were characteristic of the Naga. The forest green scales that covered my feet and trailed up to my thighs also spoke of my Naga heritage, as did my superhuman strength and superior night vision. Smiling down at the picture, I whispered, "Sorry I don't visit more often. I wish I had time to see you before the Selection."

The hand on my shoulder took my by surprise and I whipped around to find my one of my housemates, Alpha, staring at me sadly. She nervously laughed, "You're awfully dressed up for someone who isn't gonna be leaving the house."

Her silver cybernetic-enhancements, or, as most called them, Cybe-Ens, glittered against her pale skin. Her acid-green prosthetic eye scanned over me and a look of fear flashed across her face momentarily. She moved to sit to the left of me on the couch, her prosthetic left arm and right leg whirring quietly as she did so, and forced a smile, lying, "According to the database, your chances of being Selected are relatively low."

I gave her a sad smile and replied, "Relative to who? Satan? Let's face the truth head on, Alpha. Nothing short of a heavens-ordained miracle will stop me from being Selected."

Alpha looked down and sighed, "You don't deserve to be Selected. Yeah, you're classified as a Villain, but you're not. You robbed Hero Bank, yes, but you also gave every penny you took to the people who needed it, keeping nothing for yourself. You're not a bad person. Not like my dad."

I patted her shoulder, the metal of her prosthetic arm smooth under my fingers, and acknowledged, "Thanks, Alpha. Maybe you're right."

Abraxas, my other housemate, sank onto the couch on my other side, mumbling in her native Aazati, the language of demons. Then she sat up and exclaimed, "I'm going to change things! I'm going to get rid of this nonsensical divide between Heroes and Villains and Civilians and Outcasts! We will all be recognized as equals!"

I patted her back, carefully avoiding the leathery wings she had folded there, and stated, "That's a beautiful sentiment, Abraxas. I look forward to the day that you succeed."

Abraxas grinned at me, and we all jumped as someone pounded on the door. Alpha grabbed my hand, squeezing tightly, and whispered, "I won't let them take you, Snakebite."

The person pounded on the door again and Abraxas took a deep breath, standing up to answer the door. Alpha's grip tightened on mine and she mumbled quietly to herself. Then Abraxas let out a scared yelp. Alpha and I shot to our feet as six masked Hero Drones marched into the living room, Abraxas between two of them. Her wrists and ankles were chained, and the belt around her waist blinked with indicator lights showing that her powers were suppressed. The other four Drones stepped forward, and, in unison, stated, "Helena Doom, you have been Selected. Atetzuss Scott, you have been Selected. Come peacefully or face the consequences."

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