My Child

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Mary was a young girl, with many talents. She was the classic blonde hair, blue eyes. She was also one of the smartest kids in her 7th-grade class. Her mother always called Mary her "pure souled Angel". She very rarely got into trouble.

"Where were you and your daughter last Thursday between the hours of 4 to 8 pm?"

Mary did ballet, swim, and basketball between the ages of 3 and 13. She was incredibly talented in almost every sport. She had many many friends and almost never got into fights or drama.

"Uhm.. we.. were at the...park."

One day, Mary's mother had noticed a very sudden change in behavior in Mary when she came home from school one evening. Facing the counter, she asked Mary if her day was ok but was met with silence. She had turned around just to see Mary closing her door.

"Can you verify your statement?"

Her mom went up to her room and knocked on the door. When Mary didn't answer, she tried to open the door but Mary had locked it. She called out to Mary, but there was no answer.

"Um... no."

After shouting at Mary to open the door, she decided to get the house key, to unlock the door. She went downstairs, retrieved the key then walked back upstairs. She inserted the key and turned the handle.

"People of the jury, do you not see this woman is guilty?."

Mary was huddled in the corner of her room, squeezing a large kitchen knife so hard, her mother could see blood dripping down her hand.

"She has no explanation of why her daughter came home, covered in her classmate's blood. "

Mary's mother shouted at her, asking what she had done, but Mary did not respond. She took the knife from Mary and threw it across the room and began to shake her violently. She cried out for Mary to answer her, but tears were the only response Mary gave her mother.

"But yet she claims her daughter had nothing to do with her classmate's death."

Mary's mother picked her up and carried her to the bath, where she cleaned off the blood from Mary. She had found bruises and wounds bigger than her fist on Mary. She kept asking what had happened. It was only when Mary was clean when she told her mother what happened.

"She is lying through her teeth, to cover the fact her daughter MURDERED her classmates!"

Mary cried as she told her mother that her two best friends led her onto the playground where she met two other boys that were carrying a knife. Her friends watched, laughing as the boys beat Mary up because she was the princess of the school. They kept shouting at her, saying they had enough.


One of the boys had dropped the knife whilst kicking Mary in the face, so she grabbed it. She waited until one of the boys kneeled down to her, then she stabbed him in the gut, and tore down. Blood sprayed her face, and the other kids screamed.

"Ma'am, be seated!! We will have a thirty-minute recess, and then the verdict."

Mary got up, filled with rage and ran at the other boy, who was paralyzed with shock and stabbed him in the face. The other two girls ran away from Mary, but one girl tripped and Mary stabbed her in the back, then proceeded to chase after the last girl.

"She wouldn't ever kill... not my daughter..."

When Mary had chased down the final bully and stabbed her in the neck, she walked home, clutching the knife. She had run in front of traffic and walked past screaming neighbors.

"Thank you, you may be seated. Has the jury reached a verdict?"

The police were called, but Mary wouldn't speak and Mary's mother denied everything. Mary's fingerprints were found on the knife that was used to kill the three children. Mary was too young to be arrested, so they went to court.

"Yes. We find the defendant.... guilty of all charges."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2017 ⏰

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