Brand New.

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I was sitting at home thinking about the day before and how I met the sweetest guy. The way he wrapped his arms around me, his smile, the glow in his eyes, his voice.  

3 days before.

It was my first day at a new school, my family decided to move to a new state and they picked Louisiana. I didn't hate the state, but I hated having to pack up my whole life and leave friends I've known forever. I guess I'm taking it the hardest, mostly because I'm socially awkward and I'm scared of starting a new school where I absolutely know no one. 

My dad pulls into a driveway and I look outside my window at our new house. It was fairly big and it was a blue-ish, green-ish color. I take a deep breath and open the car door. 

"Are you guys ready?" my dad asks. 

My sisters nod and walk towards the front door. My mom walks up behind me and rubs my back. 

"You'll be fine sweetie, I'm sure the kids are nice at the school. Don't worry too much." she reassures me. 

I nod and we meet up with my dad and sisters at the door. My dad smiles and counts down from 3. On 3 he opens the door and my sisters run to go pick their rooms. I slowly take it all in, looking around the empty rooms. My mom went to the kitchen of course, she says the kitchen is her favorite room in a house. As I get to the back of the house, I see a door, I thought it would be an office or maybe a closet, but I opened it and it was a room. I liked that it was towards the back of the house so I decided it was my bedroom. It was big. Big for me at least, I was happy with it and it was far from all the other rooms which was a bonus. 

I reconnected with everyone else in our living room to give my thoughts on the house. My sister Stacy seemed to be the happiest. 

"I LOVE the house dad! It's HUGE!" she says. 

"Yeah, It's nice" I throw in. 

My sister Stefany gives me a nasty look.

"Why can't you be more excited Sabrina? You act like your life is over" she yells.

I roll my eyes not wanting to say anything and get into an argument. Everyone talks about how great the house is and I decide to go back to the car to get my things. As I walk outside I see our neighbors pull into their driveway. It's about time school gets out, maybe they have a daughter I can be friends with. I look over after getting my suitcase from the trunk and instead of a daughter, they have a son. I'm assuming he's their son, I don't know for sure. 

He looks at me and smiles. It was honestly the most gorgeous smile I've ever seen. I smile and quickly look down at my feet. I can feel my face turn red.

Why are you blushing Sabrina? He's just your neighbor and all he did was smile. Stop being stupid.

He was just my neighbor. When I look back up, there's a girl behind him.

See? He has a girlfriend, don't freak out and fantasize about you guys being anything.

Of course he had a girlfriend. He was gorgeous. The girl looked about my age, she turned around and waved at me. I waved back and gave a slight smile and walked back to the house. 

We didn't have any furniture yet because the moving truck was a little behind schedule and wouldn't be here for another hour which sucked because I couldn't unpack my clothes and I had no where to sit but my floor. I check my phone to see if I had any messages or calls, but nothing new so I put it back in my pocket and walk out of my room to talk to my mom. 

"Do I really have to go to public school? Why can't I be home schooled like Stacy?" I ask when I finally find her. 

She sighs, "Honey, I know you're nervous, but everything is going to be fine. You know why Stacy is home schooled, she was bullied. You will be fine, just be positive bean." 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2023 ⏰

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