Is this a dream?

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It was Sunday. Ryan's least favorite day of the week. He didn't know why, but Sunday's always made him extremely sad. He decided to just go to bed early so he can't feel this pain anymore. He prayed to Yeesus, brushed his teeth with Cheese Whiz, then finally fell asleep in the comfort of his bed.

*Time Skip*

Ryan's alarm woke him up at precisely 9:00 A.m. He was pretty surprised that it wasn't nine in the afternoon. As he got up out of his bed, he realized something didn't feel right. He ran into his bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. "HOLY FUCK." screamed Ryan. What he saw in the mirror was not so pleasant and not so conventional, and sure as hell ain't normal. He was Spongebob Squarepants. As he kept on staring at himself in the mirror, he realized something else. "WOW, I NOW LOOK LIKE MY ONLY TRUE LOVE: CHEESE WHIZ. I DONT NEED BRENDON ANYMORE. WOWEE! XD!"

Since Ryan was Spongebob, he still had to go to the Krusty Krab and work as a fry cook. He went into his closet and pulled out his uniform. "IM READY TO
GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" shouted Ryan. He ran out of his pineapple home, grabbed a container of Cheese Whiz, and journeyed to the Krusty Krab.

"WHAT'S UP FUCKERS!" screamed Ryan as he walked into the disgusting restaurant. He stuck his hand into the jar of Cheese Whiz and began to eat it. Everyone began staring at him, but did he care? No. He walked into the back of the restaurant and opened the giant freezer that was forbidden for anyone to go into.

And there he saw it. The giant mountain of Cheese Whiz. It looked so SUCCULENT. He jumped into it and began eating it all. He was eating so loud that he alarmed Squidward. "Spongebob, what are you- OH MY YEESUS! MR KRABBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBS!" Mr. Krabs zoomed over to Squidward, and his eyes couldn't believe what he saw.

"SPONGEBOB! BOYO! THIS AINT HEALTHY FOR YE!" screamed Mr. Krabs. Ryan's head turned around 360 degrees and hissed at him. "Squidward! We have to call someone to stop him!" "OKAY MR KRABS, I'LL CALL THE NAVY!" Squidward called up the Navy, and they arrived at the Krusty Krab within a second. Ryan was forcefully removed from the freezer and thrown into the back of an Anti-Cheese-Whiz truck. All of this happened because of Cheese Whiz. Don't let Cheese Whiz take over your life. This could potentially happen to you.


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