First Day

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Serenity POV 

      After an eight hour drive I finally arrived at a small college surrounded by a small town. The parking was chaotic and I swear my dad was about to park on the sidewalk but before he did we noticed a small girl hauling a tuba case waddle to her mom's car. They loaded her suitcases and were off leaving a spot fairly close to the entrance open and ready for the taking. As soon as we parked I hopped out of the car eager to start my adventure. My dad and I set our sights on the door ahead and quickly made our way there. As soon as I opened the doors I was overwhelmed by a hall full of families being herded in alphabetized lines..great.

  "You're in high school I believe in your ability to say your name and grab a name tag so you can deal with this and ill meet you in the car. Okay? OK. Great see you in however long it takes for you to deal with this. Bye," my dad said running out before I could fit in a word. "Fantastic," I thought. I gathered my strength and pushed passed people until I arrived at the S-T line. I figured I would be there for a while so I let my thoughts roam as I slowly moved up in the line.

   After about a hour of waiting I finally arrived at the front of the line.

   "Name?" The lady at the desk grunted. She looked older and very put together with her brown hair pulled into a high bun. She sat at the desk and oozed a sense of pride. One may say she had a pleasant face but right now a look of distaste was painted on it ,  it was obvious she wasn't thrilled to be here.

    "Serenity T," I mumbled. This was my first mistake.

    "If you don't speak louder ill just have to give you a random name tag. And you see if I do that you'll file a complaint and ill have to do more work and neither of us want that so how bout you repeat your name more time and this time a bit clearer," the woman hissed. To add insult to injury she plastered a sweet smile on her face.

  "Serenity T," I said this time with more authority.

   "There you go. Now was that soo hard?" She said as she handed me my name tag which had my 10th grade year book picture on it. I grimaced as I looked at the notoriously awful photo, not my proudest moment. My curly red hair was frayed in all different directions making my head look like a forest fire, the flash making my naturally pale skin seem transparent and my blue eyes were half closed. I looked like a dead man walking. Before I could fit in anymore silent complaints I was pushed out of the doorway.

  "I don't mean to interrupt you inner monologue but id much appreciate it if you would pick up the pace, thanks." A boy with untamed brown hair and striking blue eyes half screamed at me. I knew he was right and I shouldn't have stopped in the exit but his attitude pissed me off so I took a second to think of a snarky reply but before I could deliver a line the boy was gone.  Defeated I kept on walking until I got to my dad's car. I peered through the window and saw him fast asleep with the radio blasting. I banged on the window and after what seemed like forever he lazily opened his eyes. We made eye contact and he made a show of unlocking the door.  When the door finally was unlocked I pulled it open and hopped in.

  "Good morning sleeping beauty I am truly sorry to have awoken you," I sassed.

  "Haha cute now hurry up and close that door so we can get on our way to the dorm so I can get rid of you for a month." My dad responded playfully. I did as instructed and slammed the door. After that a bitter silence filled the car. "Howd it go in there?" He said obviously uncomfortable with the lack of conversation.

  "You would know if you stayed in there wouldn't you," I grinned.

   "Oh shush," he said trying to act mad but doing a very poor job at it. We returned to our silence this time my dad seemed to accept it and didn't try to engage in another conversation . I decided to take the time to gaze out the window and release my thoughts once more. The encounter with the boy remained fresh in my mind.

  What an asshole.

AN:  Well that's the first chapter I hope it didn't suck too bad :) . The next chapter will be posted by next week it just depends on how bus I am. Well I hope you enjoyed! Ashley out,

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2017 ⏰

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