Introduction - Pilot

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In the dark streets of Magnolia, Lucy and her celestial spirit Plue were walking along the canal, the beautiful water twinkled under the moon light as Lucy gazed upon it.

Unbeknown to her, her guild mate was running straight toward them in what seemed to be a blind panic "LUCY!!" Juvia called out with a worried tone.

Lucy looked up immediately as Plue went back to the celestial spirit realm "Juvia?..." She whispered under her breath "Whats wrong?" She yelled, running to meet her halfway.

Juvia bent over and put both her hands on her own knees, panting "It's..." She breathed in and out heavily "It's what Juvia!?" She was worried after hearing her tone of voice. Had something happened? She needed to know, she had to know.

"It's Wendy, the guild hall was attacked and Wendy wasn't able to get out, she's stuck under all of the rubble, we need your help! Everyone's help!" Juvia exclaimed desperately. Lucy's eyes widened in shock "W-What..." She stuttered as her mind tried to process the news.

Lucy clenched her fists in anger "You go gather up as many members as you can and I'll head straight to the guild hall!" Juvia nodded quickly and took off, running past her. Worried and angry, Lucy then dashed to the guild hall and upon approaching it she saw Freed and Levy writing runes in the air near the rubble.

Gray and Erza were holding back Natsu who looked to be distraught and furious. After further inspection Lucy then looked upon the ruins of their guild hall, their home, her home...

Just what had happened here?

A/N- I figured I would try writing a Fairy Tail fanfic as it is one of my favourite animes of all time, please comment if you would like to see more.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2017 ⏰

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