Chapter 1

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"As you know," My principle, Mrs. Pusa, spoke. She was extremely tall and dark haired. She almost resembled Willy Wonka. Her announcement earlier today forced all of the girls in the school to cram into the auditorium. I'm sure it is just another meeting about girls smoking in the bathroom again.

I'm Katelyn, Katelyn Payne. Sister of the famous Liam Payne from One Direction. I keep in touch with him but not as much as I used to. Harry was my best friend growing up, but I never got a chance to meet the other three. Ever since the band skyrocketed, it's as if the world only revolves around them. Walking in the halls it's "One Direction" this and "One Direction" that. It gets old.

"The boys of One Direction are here!" Mrs. Pusa said. In that moment, I went deaf. I had never heard so many squealing girls in my life. I looked at all of them and not a single peep escaped from my lips. I just sat there looking at them. Niall's eyes were as blue as everyone claimed, Liam's hair was cut short, Zayn had more tattoos than I could count, Louis lost the little curls, and then there was Harry. Harry had that mob of hair and the pure green, emerald eyes that I remember oh so well. I smiled just thinking about him.

But one question struck my head. Why are they here?

Liam took the mic from Mrs. Pusa and began speaking, "Hello everyone!" Screams filled my ears and all I wanted to do was curl into a ball and hide. I know what he is about to do, and I am dreading every second of it.

"Liam, I love you!" A girl screamed from behind me. Mentally gagging because no one knows he is my brother. I just find it weird that girls drool over him. I had to share a room with him for a few years! He is the biggest slob I have ever met.

"Love you too!" He smiled. They spent a few minutes joking around and answering questions from fans in the audience. I still wanted to run and hide. Unfortunately for me, I was stuck in the middle of the auditorium with no escape if I didn't want to be seen. One movement and a spotlight would be blinding me.

Finally, it happened. "So for the real reason we are here," I froze. Harry's voice was as soothing and deep as I remembered. "Katelyn, are you out there in the crowd somewhere?" I pulled my grey hoodie over my head and tried to calm my breathing. I can't stand being the center of attention, and that mob of hair knows this. A few girls turned and looked at me with daggers. I just slumped further into my chair.

"For those that didn't know, I do enjoy embarrassing people," I heard my brother speak. I glared at him through the hole hiding most of my face. "Katelyn Payne is my sister, and since I know she hates the spotlight, I just want to draw attention to her. I see you Kate," he whispered the last part into the microphone. It sent chills down my spine. I took a deep breath and undid my hoodie. Not a single word was spoken from anyone around me. Standing up from my seat, I made my way through the crowd of estrogen and slowly made my way towards the stage.

"There is no way they are siblings," a few girls whispered as I walked by. I rolled my eyes but continued to walk towards the infamous One Direction.

"Ladies, you may head back to third period," Mrs. Pusa smiled.

"But I want to see how this goes down! Liam has a sister and none of knew she was right here the entire time? What is this horse shit?" A girl stood up and it started to cause a scene. Mrs. Pusa glared at her, and the girl slowly sat back down.

"If you do not leave the auditorium, I will have no choice but to assign you all to ten hours of community service for ditching class. How does that sound?" Mrs. Pusa purred. I shuddered. That woman could scare the Grudge back into the television.

It wasn't long until girls flooded out of the auditorium. Some stayed to try and get photo ops with the boys, but ended up getting the ten hours of service. Unlucky, if I do say so myself.

"Miss Payne, your wonderful brother has decided to pull you out of class for the rest of the day. Enjoy it while it lasts," She had a smug look on her face that I did not care for.

I walked in silence with the boy throughout the halls. "Hey Harry, we'll meet you two back at the van. You have some catching up to do," Liam smiled and nodded for me to follow Harry.

They left us standing in the hallway. All I could do was fall into his embrace. His body up against mine, his scent filling my nose. I missed my Harry. My best friend. The silence between us was not awkward. There was a pleasant feeling just being engulfed by my best friend. Harry knows everything there is to know about me. It is only natural that I feel so comfortable with him. But there was a feeling in my stomach that I couldn't shake off. Butterflies? Maybe. Fear? Maybe. I wasn't sure how to describe this emotion. I had never felt it before.

All I knew, was that I was happy he and Liam were back. Back to me. I never would have thought it would be so soon, yet here they are.

I looked up at the mess of curls and smiled. "I missed you," he whispered. "Let's get out of here before we get run over by screaming girls." I nodded in agreement and we headed out to the parking lot.

I didn't know what was about to happen, but I did know that my life was about to change.

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