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I turned the music up, and shouted it out loud. I'm a pretty good singer, but when it comes to me being home alone.. Lets just say you never want to hear that. I had really enjoyed being home alone for a week, but I really miss Kimmy. She would be arriving in three days, after visiting her family.

"달릴 수 없다면 걷다, TODAY WE WILL SURVIVE!!!!"
"Dallil su eobsdamyeon geodda, TODAY WE WILL SURVIVE!!!!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. I jumped up to my bed, and started jamming more.

"조준 사격 준비,"
"Jojun sagyeog junbi," I then started doing the choreography sloppily.

"N-NOT TODAY!!!" I moved my body crazily to the loud beat. "CROW TITS, HANDS UP, SOMETHING, SOMETHING, SOMETHING, HANDS UP!" I'm still learning it okay. Don't  judge my Korean-ass. I quit singing my heart out, when I heard a few loud bangs on my apartment door. I jumped off the bed and ran over to my phone to stop the music from coming out of the speaker. I then ran over to the door and opened it to see an unhappy neighbor. I looked at the mid-forty year old man with an eyebrow raised.

"Yes?" He stood there in a fluffy robe and slippers, tapping his foot.

"Do you realize how loud you were being?" I shrugged my shoulders and raised my eyebrow. "I'm from the apartment from upstairs, and I have two daughters trying to get rest for school tomorrow. I would appreciate if you would stop whatever you're doing this late at night, and try to get some rest for yourself. You look sleep deprived." This time both eyebrows were raised.

"One, I go to sleep whenever I want to go to sleep. Two, I am sleep deprived. Ever heard of K-Pop?" I waited a second for him to talk. "Yeah thought so. Now look how old are your daughters?" He stood there for a moment and then finally spoke up.

"It is none of your concern." I rolled my eyes.

"Just tell me how old they are, old man, I'm trying to prove a point here." He scoffed at the nickname.

"Fourteen, and seventeen." I chuckled.

"Look chances are, they're probably not even asleep. They are most likely on there phones, scrolling through something you dont even know they have. Or on YouTube Watching there favorite YouTubers, which you probably dont even know the names of. So, once quoted an unhappy neighbor, "You should probably get some rest for yourself." I slammed the door on his face. He mumbled,

"I miss Kimberly, she's such a sweet girl." I laughed, while I heard his huge slippers shuffle away, through the door. I look over at the clock on the stove.
'It's only 10:43 wtf 엉뚱한 엉덩이 남자.'
'It's only 10:43 wtf creaky ass man.' I thought to myself and laughed.
'OoOOooO I should go out tomorrow night. Who knows, I might need it, i've basically been in this apartment for almost a week.' I shivered at the thought. Dang it's been that long. I need to do something. I walked to the fridge. I opened it up to see a few eggs, less than half a gallon of milk, a Hershey's bar, and some bread.
'Wait.. What? Bread in the fridge?' I then took it out and put it in the pantry. There wasn't much in the pantry either just some stale cereal, and two more bags of Pop-Tarts. I needed to go grocery shopping.... Ugh. What is even open right now. I ran into my bedroom and grabbed my phone.

"Siri, close grocery stores near me." I scrolled through the ones that were already closed and found one open till 12:00AM.
'Oh, Giant! Cool.'

I went to my closet grabbed a baggy sweater and put it on over my tank top. I slipped into my slippers, and walked into the kitchen again. I went and grabbed my keys from the key holder. I checked that my phone was in my sweatpants pocket. It was. I walked out the door locking it from behind me.

I got into my car not caring about how messy the passenger seat was

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I got into my car not caring about how messy the passenger seat was. It had mail and snacks all over it. I rolled my eyes. I turned the keys and started the car, then drove my way to Giant as fast as possible.


I walked into the grocery store rolling my cart along with me. I went to the cold aisle. I grabbed all the cheeses you could think of. Provolone, cheddar, muenster, colby jack, that's about it. I don't like blue cheese or goat cheese, and bree is for fancy events. Then I got some honey ham, and turkey sandwich meat. I grabbed a pack of cheese sticks. I went to the condiment section and grabbed some mayonnaise and mustard. I also grabbed ketchup. I went to the frozen aisle and grabbed a few frozen pizzas, fries, and frozen waffles. I went back over to condiments because I forgot to grab some syrup. After I grabbed the syrup i went to get more bread. And then i went to the chip section. My weakness. I grabbed BBQ Lays chips, cheddar Ruffles, original Pringles, original Lays, and sea salt kettle cooked chips. Ugh, I can never control myself, I obviously had to get at least two more. I grabbed Cheeto puffs, hot Cheetos, and Takis. Okay.. I guess I grabbed more than two more, but whatever. I'm done with that aisle. I went back to the refrigerator section and grabbed some sweat tea, and a carton of milk. I went to the soda section and grabbed a six pack of diet Coke for Kimmy, and A&W root beer for myself. I went to the bean section and grabbed a few cans of black beans. Then went to grab some summer sausage. Then i went to grab some rice. Next I went to the noodle part and got some packs of velveeta mac and cheese. Also I grabbed some pasta noodles and spaghetti noodles. Then lastly I went and got a few cans of tomato sauce and ground beef.

I sigh.
'This is why I hate grocery shopping. It's a lot happening at the same time, and just overall anxiety.'

I rolled my cart over to an empty cashier.

"Hey you open?" The woman nodded. I smiled a small smile and pushed my cart to the end. I then started unloading all the stuff that I had just ran all over the store for. The last things being the soda packs I put underneath the cart.
She finished ringing everything, and the total came up to 115.13 dollars plus tax. I sighed and grabbed out my wallet. I got out my credit card and put my chip in the freaking ugly machine. It then began beeping, no freaking screaming at me. I took it out and put it back into my wallet swiftly. I moved down to the end where all of my groceries are bagged. I move them all to my cart and start to get the heck out of that store.
I push the cart all the way out to my car. I open up the trunk of it and start loading everything into it. When I finish I roll my cart out to the other part of the parking lot cause i'm too lazy. I close the trunk and load myself into my car. I turn the key and finally drive off.


I have troubles closing the trunk of my car when all of the groceries are on my arms, but I eventually get it. I walk two flights of stairs up to my apartment. When I get into my home I feel a wave of tiredness rush I've my whole body. I kick the door closed. I plop all of the groceries on me onto the floor. I then have to start putting them away. Ugh, what a process. I began with putting all the things that needed to be refrigerated in the refrigerator. Then i put all the frozen stuff away. And then, the other stuff in the pantry. Then I was finally done. I threw all the plastic bags in the recycle. Then took my keys off the counter, and onto the key holder. I took off my sweater and put it back in my closet. I put my slippers on the shoe rack. Then I just sat on my sofa for a bit and watched K-Dramas. Gosh I'm happy for my generation. Being 20 and all.

"No! The poor baby!! It's not breathing save it, doctor!!!!" After 20 minutes of that, my eyes were struggling to stay open. I decided I should probably turn off the show and go to sleep. So that's exactly what I did. Right after I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I then turned off all the lights and ran to my bed. I got under the warm covers, and drifted off to sleep. Good night.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2018 ⏰

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