Her Part 1.(A Cinderella Story)

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She was running down the stairs when one of her beautiful glass slippers got stuck in a small crack in the step.
She pulls at it,eyes glancing up the stairs every few seconds.
She hears the Prince's boots as they hit the marble steps.
Deciding to leave her shoe,she flees running out the doors of the palace just as the Prince makes it down.
Holding the slipper as though it holds out the secrets of the world.
"My prince,are you-" His steward starts but the Prince cuts him off.
"I am fine.
Please send my apologies to the guests,I am wary of this celebration and must retire to my chambers," The Prince responds,walking up the stairs..Past the festivities and the merry making,to his room where he sits the glass masterpiece.

And when he sleeps,he dreams of the maiden that has stolen his heart.

And his mind.

Classical Tale Horror StoriesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz