chapter 1 💗

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AYLAS POV (point of view)
It was finally the day of vidcon and I was so exited! Its my first time and my best friend Amanda is taking me this year! Amanda and I were getting ready in the bathroom till she gets a text from Logan Paul. Hey Amanda! You ready for vidcon?!! I hope ur bringing ur friend this year so I can finally meet her!!😂😂 anyways can't wait to see u guys!
"Who's that?" I asked looking over Amanda's shoulder. "Oh! It's just Logan. Ya know Logan Paul! He's gonna be there today and he's been dying to meet u!" Amanda's, said typing. "Oh cool!" I said going towards my closet. 5 mins later we were both were ready to go so we headed out.
Today was the day of vidcon. My favorite day of the entire year! I get to meet so many logangsters which makes me so happy!! I started my vlog with the usually, AYOO GOOG MORNING LOGANG WHAS POPPIN!!? So today is finnallllyyy vidcon and I'm so exited to meet y'all and it's gonna be FIRRREEE BROOOO! Anyways let's go say what's up to my boiiiii MAVERICK!!! I ran down stairs to go see him and I starting feeding him and talking to him by saying heyyy maverick! (Squawk squawk) hello How are u!? (Squawk) good. Great! U know what day it is my friend? (Squawk squawk squawk) its vidcon!!! Yeesss It is!!! Alright buddy I gotta go! (Squawk) aww ok. Ik buddy I wish I could bring u! Give me kiss! (Squawk) love u. Love u too bud! I got dressed and headed out.
We arrived at vidcon and man. THERES.SO.MANY.PEOPLE. So many fans were coming up to me asking for autographs and pics. I never thought vidcon was this exciting!! "Hey I gotta go on stage to speak to my fans! Wish me luck!!" Amanda said rushing by. "Ok! Good luck! Have fun!" I said walking to back stage. I was walking to back stage then this huge tall blonde guy runs into me. "Ahh omg I'm so sr- I got distracted when I noticed his ocean blue eyes and his golden blonde hair. We both looked into each others eyes and smiled.
I ran into this girl and she was so beautiful. Her golden brown eyes drawled my attention.
Just then he pulled out a sharpie and scribbled in my hand his number. He mouthed to me, "call me!" I kept smiling and looking at my hand. I looked up and closed my hand.

Hey guys! Srry if this isn't good cuz it's my first story.. but I don't really know how often I'm gonna post cuz schools coming up :((( but I'll post as much as I can! Feel free to comment any suggestions bc I'll definitely use them!😊 TAKE IT EASY FAM PEACCEE!!✌🏻✌🏻

layla💗Where stories live. Discover now