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For as long as Yuta could remember, he'd been able to communicate with people not in this dimension. Not like Aliens or anything - maybe that'd make him seem a lot less weird - but instead he can communicate with the dead. The dead that are earth bound, the dead with something holding them back. He didn't really understand that the people he were seeing weren't real, he didn't understand they were dead. It took him a long time to get comfortable about this aspect of himself. He got fed up with it at one point, so he tried ignoring it. That only lasted for three days, though. He thought about what his grandmother had told him when he was younger, she had also bared the special gift. "Even if you ignore them they'll find a way to come to you in your dreams." But Yuta thought she was lying until he was having a nice, (possibly) wet dream and some old lady who wanted him to pass a message on to her husband had came into the dream. He stopped ignoring them from that point on.

He hadn't gotten any needy ghosts coming to him for help in a week, he thought he lost his gift, but he didn't particularly mind. Maybe people just stopped dying for a week? Maybe people just stopped needing his help - but that all changed when he turned down the school hallway while he was taking a 'bathroom break' and locked eyes with a guy he thought was just simply another student. Yuta should've known better. He hadn't ever seen this guy in school before. Said guy had been following him ever since like a lost puppy.

"I know you can hear me, you can see me too! So, why are you ignoring me?" The ghost pleaded in his ear as he tried to take his very important history test. He was just gonna ignore him until school was over and he was somewhere where he could talk to the impatient, annoying ghost and tell him to fuck off in private where no one can see him talking to thin air. (Of course it won't actually go that way, he'll do whatever the guy needs him to do so he'll go into the light or cross over or whatever his grandmother called it - but he wants it to go that way). The kid hasn't shut up since he encountered him and there's a pretty possible chance he just failed his test because he couldn't focus for longer than five seconds at a time. Yuta flipping him off didn't shut him up either (but it made the kid who sits next to him whom he's never spoken to very confused because he thought it was for him). He'll have to find a way to apologize to the classmate later.

Once school was over and Yuta was sure he was out of anyone's line of sight - he finally gave the kid the attention he wanted. Once he did so, he realized he wasn't actually a kid. The guy was actually a little taller than him and he seemed to be round his age. "Okay, look - I can't just drop everything I'm doing while I'm at school to help you. If I failed my test because of you I'm gonna beat your ass. I don't know how I will, but I'll find a way." Yuta got out all the anger that has been building up throughout the day.

"I'm sorry." He looked at the ground, lightly kicking at a rock on the sidewalk. "It's just that it's been months since I've been able to actually talk to someone. I guess I just got a little excited."

Most of the time Yuta got people that had recently passed, but in this case, this guy had been gone for a while - it made him wonder more about what had happened. He eased up a little and wasn't as angry at the kid; if someone could finally communicate with him after a long time of not being able to, he'd be excited too. So, he shouldn't be so hard on him. Plus, if his grandma were to witness the way he was handling this one she would've gave him a three hour long lecture with a hard smack to his arm with the wooden spoon she was using somewhere in between. "So, why are you here?"

"Um," The guy looked slightly confused. "To talk to you?"

"No, I mean, why are you still here? Earthbound spirits are here for a reason. They have some unfinished business or something like that. So, why are you here?"

The guy seemed even more confused. "Earthbound spirits?"

"Yeah, normally when you die you crossover, or go into a light - but you're still here."

Without You ☼  YuSolWhere stories live. Discover now