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Yoongi stares at the lighted screen of his laptop. The page sits still, cursor blinking, waiting for him to feed it information. He bristles every time someone passes by, suddenly feeling conscious about having the website on his screen. Lowering down the brightness, he cracks his fingers and slowly fills out the blanks. Simple questions gave way to intimate ones that got him squirming in his seat.

"Experience in bed?" Yoongi murmurs the brazen question to himself.

He types it out letter by letter, V I R G I N. The six-letter word blared at him like a loudspeaker. His fingers drummed the table as he chews on his lips. With a sigh, he adds 'when it comes to gay sex'.

"Fuck, that makes me sound like a bottom," he cringes and deletes his answer.

To be honest, he didn't know if he was or was not a bottom; it was all new to him. His older brother had said, "Yoongi, it's college! It's the time for experiments. You gotta find out what you like be it Asian or black, chubby or thin and perhaps men or women."

His brother's words got him thinking that day. Yoongi has to admit, the three times he had done it with girls wasn't as satisfying as how porn has shown him to be. He groaned and moaned but that was about it. And walking on the streets, his eyes don't seem to linger on the busty breasts of women or the voluptuous curves of their asses. So maybe, he ought to heed his brother's advice, he decided.

With an irritated groan, he skips the question altogether, moving on with the rest of his profile. He schemes through, filling it out with less-than-profound interest, leaving vague answers. Since it'll be his first date, he figured that he would just wing it.

"There," Yoongi huffs after typing the last letter. "Now, we wait."

The nerves in him twitch at the sight of his profile going online, making www.blinddates.com his first step into the world he barely knows about. Yoongi sits back in his chair and watches the students parade around the library with their stack of books piled high. In the back corner, he sees a group of them huddled over Shakespeare books. Their lead man flails his arm around as he reads a paragraph. His back was facing Yoongi as he spews his thoughts like a priest during Sunday Mass.

Yoongi rolls his eyes at the pretentious hipsters mulling over stories written by a drunk historical man. With a second of hesitation, he leans his chair further back to take a better look at the lead man, wondering if it'll turn him on. His back was well muscled and broad, twitching with every move. Yoongi's eyes raked over the long legs; the man was tall, obviously reaching above 5 foot. He hums to himself, not really feeling anything. Just before the man could turn around, Yoongi's phone blasted its monotonous ringtone, startling him to the point where he almost fell of his chair.

"What?!" he answered in a hushed voice, not even checking who it was.

"It's your hyung dick head. Don't tell me the American culture got to your head already."

"Fuck," he muttered to himself after catching his breath. That near-death experience almost got him religious enough to pray to a god. "I'm sorry hyung. You caught me in a bad time. Why'd you call?"

"Well, I wanted to ask, have you gotten in the game yet? It's been a week since I introduced you to that dating website."

Yoongi looks over to his open screen. His profile sat like a lonely duck, waiting to be fed. He sighs as he closes the laptop, "I just posted my profile, still waiting to be picked up."

"Did you use that picture of yours with the red suit? You totally look like a sexy vampire."

He cringes and pulls his phone away. Having your brother tell you you're sexy like a vampire was a little disconcerting. "Um no I-"

"Wait but what look are you going for though? You know, you can send the wrong message with the wrong profile picture."

"Hyung I'm ju-" Again, he was cut off by his overly excited brother.

"I say leave it with the red suit if you want that sexy get-up. Go with that all black suit to go for a mysterious vibe. And um, oh! One of your selfies with those glasses on to give that classy look."

"Hyungg," Yoongi groans, pounding his head on the table. "I have a profile picture that screams NORMAL GUY. Now leave me be. I've got to get to the radio station."

He hears his brother grumble on the other side of him being ungrateful before he finally gives in. "Fine," his brother huffs. "Just tell me when you get a match."

Just as he takes a step out of the library, his phone lights up. Yoongi looks down and was pleasantly surprised to find that he already had a match. Someone named Kim Namjoon.

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