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"Listen up"shouted queen Aurora,"your being sent on a"-before she could finish she
looked around the room and screamed,"where's Lily"! A girl that looked as if she just woke up stomped in the room ,and murmured "right here Borealis".Alexis whirled
around and ran to hug her friend quickly,earning a glare from the queen."Your
being sent on a series of missions to make me the queen of piraland"."But-" began Chris," nope no buts, I chose you guys to go on the mission so either go or suffer the
pain of-",she paused and cleared her throat," you know who".Chris  growled. Being a werewolf he does that very often. The queen was talking about Trent,Alexis,s ex boyfriend. Chris has always" liked" Alexis but has never opened up his feelings for her.
The queen continued" you will be sent on a series of missions to complete as a team".
" There are 5 missions , I will meet you tomorrow and explain everything
but I have to be on my way now so I will see you all later". "Alright I call bunking with Lexi tonight". Called Michelle out of no where.Alexis beamed."Everyone into the dining room" called one of the maids."Nope" said Alexis '' not eating squid salad, I'm so going to the nearest subway"."Uh said Mingni ,you do realize that it's actually calamari, " food"."I'm with"ms . fast food" c'mon let's go get some subway " said Chris .Alexis smiled at him," I'm with team junk" called Lily
I can't even eat seafood".They all spent the night chatting and arguing about why Queen Aurora's last name
wasn't Borealis.The next morning Alexis found her self waking up at the crack of dawn,
"ugh" probably more 19th century's food" she sighed.But when she climbed down she
saw something she thought she would have never seen in her life.
Mingni ,

making ,


"Girl", Alexis said in a "I can NOT believe you right now voice" , she cleared her throats and continued, " no one makes sushi without Lexi's help"." I need the help" staggered out Mingni.By the time the girls were done everybody climbed down stairs wide-eyed,
,Chris cried out" SUSHI",by the end Michelle was to disgusted by Chris she gave him 2 of her pieces of sushi.The maids guided them out to the first course, written on a board made of wood it said " doors".Alexis felt something warm touch her back. She turned around and murmured " firen " he was part of the fire kingdom,he sniffed and said "sorry"-"snowren",he said haughtily. Alexis was part of the snow kingdom, Lily noticed and called "hey Lexi,Marks here"!Lexi rushed over and said thanks that was close.Mark growled and said " ugh firens think they know everything".They all got into a spot that said " snowren territory". The queen explained that you had to find keys by answering riddles to unlock the doors ," the team to get out of the last.  door wins,I will be watching you very carefully" ,and with that she took off into the sky.They put their hands in the middle and shouted all at once ,"let the games begin"!

A/N thx Penguin the book lover and holo it's Michi for getting me into this-faeunicorn

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