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"Each of you will be assigned a human on earth. This is going to be your final. You are now a guardian. A guardian angel. You protect your human with everything you have you posses. You have four months exactly to show us you deserve to be an archangel."

"I hope I get someone hot." Chris whispered, getting a few laughs from the guys and snickers from the girls. "Ms. May, please tell me we get to chose our human?"

"No Chris, that's the thing. You don't get to chose what you want. You are grateful for whatever you get. In your books, there are the rules for being on earth. Don't forget, you all know the consequences for breaking a rule." The room was silent, everyone did know the consequences. It has been engraved in all their minds since they first started training. "Now, I will read everyone's name with who they are guarding." The room was tense as they waited.

"Jamie Abato, guarding Jerry Kelly."

"Crystal Aveni, guarding Sarah Tomp." And so the names went, Marie reading out the names.

"Harry Styles, guarding Elise Dattoli." Harry grinned wickedly, clearly happy that he had received a girl. He was then given paperwork about her; a picture, age, country, city, family, friends. The file had everything he needed to know and more her couldn't care less about. He wanted to get this over with, being an archangel was something he always looked forward to since he was a child.

Most of the people in the room where beyond excited, it was all their first time going to earth. But what they didn't know, or what they weren't told, was all the temptations earth and humans posed to all angels. Those temptations never died, even if you had fallen and were banished from heaven and stuck on earth. Some temptations even earned you the pleasure of being locked in hell for the rest of your existence.

A/n- Hey guys! So after finishing reading the Hush, Hush series I became obsessed with angels. I couldn't leave that world. I decided to make my own story about angels like in the book, so most likely there's going to be some of the same concepts like archangels, Nephilim, fallen angels, all that jazz. I hope you all enjoy it!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2014 ⏰

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