Game of Death

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Mirrors that show the reflection of opposing

Mirrors should surely show my face when I look.

But yet I remain invisible in this place.

And all the reflections are mist and fog even though

I clearly see my own hand in front of my face

I keep on looking on, staring and waiting for

Something to happen, the scene change. But you see

My fear grows, it throbs and it pulses, a heartbeat

that speaks to me like a friend that won't leave my side,

Speaking in tongues that are strange to me, teasing me.

Heartbeat is telling me this is what's real, and the

Place where all I see is my own reflection in

Mirrors, and the place where I see so clearly with

No fog in my eyes, and that place where I am so

Pleasantly clear with what's before me, is not real.

This is the most real experience that a man

Can have, where the mist obscures the sight, and where I

Finally realize it and now I know that the

Obscure's what I was blind to all the time anyway.

Through blind eyes I see while Jesus takes my sure hand.

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