The beggining and the end

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It was night. The air was humid and moist. The wind blew and made the tree branches brush up against the window. Water dripped from the ceiling. The water dropped 5 second from each other. Drip.....drip.....drip, into the metal bucket placed underneath the leak. The wood flooring of the old house creaked under the desk.

These are the things Carrie notices as she sits at her desk in her room. She sits there silently listening to the water drop, thinking, thinking of her parents reaction to the note she left them a few hours earlier. She thinks to herself " will they see it? Did I put it in the right spot? Was this even a good idea? Maybe I should go grab it real quick".

Too late. She hears the front door open as the house is filled with her parents voices. She listens, hearing the floor boards on the stairs creak as her parents walk up. She tenses up nervouse, her palms start swearing as she holds them folded on her lap. They're in their bedroom now, she can hear them walking around.

Cassie starts tapping her foot waiting. Suddenly her dad brages in waving the note furiously. " WHAT IS THIS?! A JOKE?!". " N-no" Carrie stutters. She imediatly tenses and thinks " I shouldn't have written that! I'm so stupid!". Her mom walks in with a furious look on her face.

" THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE" her dad yells stepping closer. Carrie bolts straight up and takes a step back out of his reach. Her mom snatches the note and rips it. " Lesbian?! You're lesbian now? Unacceptable" her mom says.

Carrie's family are christian and against any other sexuality that isn't straight. Knowing this she feels like such a fool writing that. She slowly walks back to her bed and stands next to her pillow. Her father notices her fear and smirks. " aw look, she's scared. You're such a dissapointment" he walks towards her " you've always been odd. You've always been hated".

Carrie cries. She's not just crying...she's bawling. Crying so hard she can't breath. She cries knowing that he's right. She's always fought back the tears but tonight she just can't anymore. Her vision blurs from her eyes filled with tears.

Suddenly she's on the floor with the side of her face throbbing. She holds her face then pulls her hand away looking at it. It's covered in red. Her dad had smacked her in the face. " Stop crying you baby" he says and starts laughing.

She lays there shocked, listening to him laugh. His evil, horrible, raspy laugh. Before she knows it she's standing up clutching the knife she had hidden under her pillow the night before.

She slashed in front of her, her vision blurry from tears and blood. She misses. She wipes her eyes making it somewhat easier to see and slashes again this time slicing her dads arm. She hears her mother scream and smirks.    " who's scared now". She pulls the knife back and tackles her dad. He punches her in the face and Carrie cries in agony as he makes the wound bleed more.

She clutches the knife in both hands and starts stabbing him repeatedly, not aiming. She hears her mom's footsteps run down stairs. She stops stabbing and cuts below his eyes making it seem like he's crying blood.

Satisfied she stands up and makes her way downstairs, laughing, not just any laugh. A laugh of pure evil. " Come out mother wherever you are" she calls out. Carrie hears one of the floor boards in the kitchen creak and smirks.
" There you are" she says as she walks over and looks around, her eyesight blurry still. Suddenly her mom runs out from behind her and stabs Carrie's arm and she winces in pain. " YOU BITCH" carrie yells and she rips the knife out holding it in the other hand. Carrie spins around fast and digs the knives into her petrafied mothers stomach. She hears her mothers body fall to the ground and smiles.

Carrie removes the knives and bends down near her mother's face. She can make out the outline of the features on her face and locates her eyes. She takes both knives and slices underneath her mother's eyes like her father's.
" Stop crying " she says and laughs manically.

She stands up and goes into the bathroom and looks at her blurry figure in the mirror. She's still crying and can't stop. She smiles.
" I'm not weak and I'm not a baby. I'll show them. I'll show them all". She finds her maroon hoodie and puts it over her grey shirt. She rolls up the sleeves and looks down at her blue jeans and red convers which have blood stains over them. "I've always liked red and maroon" she thinks to herself and with that she grabs her knives and walks out the backdoor into the woods behind her house and dissapers.

Carrie was always bullied and abused. Her dad was an alcoholic and her mom a drug addict. She cried a lot when she was younger but hated it so she stopped crying. Whenever she had enough she would go and hide in the woods behind her house. She cut and that's why she always wore the hoodie with the sleeves down. She had a best friend named Marge but she committed suicide and Carrie had been alone ever since.

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