Back to my Homeland

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"Ok... Class I have some good news. We will be going to China for 3 months.
"Yass!" Girls exempt Juleka squealed.
"Yes!" Juleka and the boys yelled.
"OK class, calm down. Marinette can I please talk to you Alya, Nino and Adrien, privately," said the teacher gesturing for them to come over to her desk.
"Class dismissed," Madame Bustier shouted.
Marinette and her three friends walked over to Madame Bustier's desk and Marinette asked,
Yes Madame, you asked to talk to us privately," Marinette said innocently.
"Oh yes," Madame Bustier said with a sudden reminder after the class left the room asking each other questions and Chloe whining to Sabrina.
Poor Sabrina.
Anyway I wanted to see you because... because all four of you will be going into first class," the teacher said all in one go.
She closed her eyes and opened them to see the four teenagers staring at her with suprise looks on their faces.
Then akward silence filled the room.
Marinette broke the silence.
"Ok thanks for the offer," she said turning to her teacher. She then turned back to her friends, and asked them,
"Guys are you ready to accept the offer? I mean i am totally." Marinette asked her friends.
"Totally girl!" Alya squealed.
"Yeah dude!" Nino shouted.
"Yeah totally!" Adrien said.
"Ok... That's great! Be sure to have your things packed by tonight as we will be boarding the plane and taking off by tomorrow afternoon. You will have the morning to say goodbye to your parents. Some of your parents will be busy, so if they are, I suggest you say your goodbyes before you leave the hois to come back to school. Now of you go and enjoy the rest of your day," ordered Madame Bustier.

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