The chase

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I look behind me, nothing, I look back ahead, almost running into an unknown object. I quickly take a sharp right turn, into a dark ally way. Panting, out of breath, I Frantically look around my surroundings. Seeing nothing, I slide down a wall, above me a small window. Closing my eyes, I lay my head back, catching my breath. I pull out my phone, Scrolling down to a contact, I call them. " Hello?" I sigh in relief, " Yes hello, its me, Myka, Sorry I didnt call u sooner." Still having my eyes closed, lay my chin on my hand. " Oh! its cool man, it seems youve been busy, have u been running?" I sigh, only knowing, that I had to tell her what has happened, " Indeed i have, someone has been chasing me lately, and i cant seem to shake them off my trail" i opens my eyes slightly. " What!? Dude, u have to come to my place this instant! I don't want u getting hurt!" She exclaims. Chuckling a bit, i answer back," I will, calm down, im hiding in a ally now, ill be there soon."  I could tell she was worried, like any friend would. " Ally way!? U know what happens in movies! Get your ass out of there!" I nod slightly, even though she couldnt see it." Alright, be there soon" ending the call, i put my phone in my backpack. I stand up, grabbing my bag, slinging it over my shoulder. " Welp, better get my ass to her place." Chuckling, but before i could take a step, something reaches out from the window and covers my mouth. A rag covers my mouth and nose. i feel my eyes grow droopy, i soon feel my body getting pulled through the window. I close my eyes, my vision growing dark.

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