Chapter 1: Ruins... Part 2

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'Oh so you are back... Well I can't say I am surprised but the game has changed since... well the glitch... you should get up take a look around you'll see what I am saying...'

You find yourself in a rather familiar bed of flowers and surrounded by a ominous but familiar darkness. You don't even hesitate to get to your feet and travel down the hall to the right of the patch of ever golden buttercups. You head in to the room expecting that golden minus to be their with its fake smile and sickly sweet words of friendship but what you got was another patch of golden flowers and the soft glow of... echo flowers. You couldn't imagine how those got here since they usually grow in Waterfall.

You bent down and touched the cyan flower then listened.

"Hehe oh my that was a good one hey here is one Why did the cucumber run from the police?" one voice all to familiar asked.

" I don't know why? " the other asked this voice was familiar as well

"Because he was in a pickle," then it stopped their. You stared at it for a moment ' When no how is Sans in the ruins at all after a reset. You decided that something was off and that Chara did have a point the game has changed. You then continued to walk ahead with a lot more cautiously; you were right to ahead was a Froggit it seemed even less interested to fight you but the battle was triggered anyway. Your soul glowed bright ( you can choose the color of it since this is You and not Frisk ). The Froggit didn't move to attack and your only option was to ACT or SPARE; no ITEMs no FIGHTing. You decided to check the Froggit the stats didn't change but what caused you to pause was the follow-up captions

'Ribbit Ribbit oh welcome back Y/N we surely did miss you.' before you could even question it the battles was ended by a voice you don't recognize.

"Hey now Froggit you spooked them. " You turned to the soothing voice to be met with an interesting surprise.

There in front of you stood Frisk but my have they grown up. They had their hair pulled back in a pony tail that brushed their shoulder when they bent to eye level with you. They were wearing a royal outfit similar to Toriel's but with a white belt tie around their waste and the sides cut all the way up to just below their belt the revealing white fitted pants and simple white flats on their feet.

You had to admit they look amazing.

Their face had got some more angles to it as well as the pleasant smile they had on their face.

"Oh my I am here sorry about that You most be rather confused but don't worry I will help you I am Frisk heir of the Queen and assistant to the care taker of the Royal Ruins." Though they didn't say many of those words they way their hands moved with such ease and face grew even more pleasant you couldn't help but smile as if they were singing out their words like a soothing song.

I didn't lie things have changed and by the looks of it, a rather interesting but pleasant change the Underground has undergone. But this is only the surface of the abnormalities here.
Continue on Y\N You have only scratched the surface.

◀◀ I hoped you liked the start of this the rest will be up comment and toon in later


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