Killer In Pink Bows

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I watched the steam slowly move down the glass retreating from the cold air. The warm water hitting my body suddenly turned cold. I looked down as my t-shirt and jeans stuck tight to my body. I let the cold water take over my body making me shiver. I slowly reached for the shower knob and turned off the water. I slowly grabbed the shower sliding glass door and slide it open, I stepped out and walked to the door. I grabbed the knob and turned it until I heard a click and it opened slowly. I walked out into the hall as my clothes dripped water on the carpet. I turned and walked down the carpeted stairs to reach the first floor. I stepped down onto the tile and walked out into the living room. Looking out into the quiet forest I felt my knees hit the ground and I began to cry. “This can’t be happening again I finally got away but know it’s haunting me again.” The image of Sally came into my mind. Her sweet innocent smile and bright brown eyes looked at me. I watched in horror as she fell to the ground and blood started to drip down her face and arms. I watched as long deeps cut appeared on her legs, arms, one across her forehead, and on her stomach. The pink blindfold wrapped around her neck in a big bow, as to make the picture of death look pretty. I screamed as his bright green eyes looked at me and telling me I was going to be next. I felt the hot knife touch my skin as the dogs began to bark louder and louder. I felt a pair of strong yet gently hands wrap around my body and turn me and pulled me against a muscular body. I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck and felt more and more tears race out of my eyes onto his red shirt. “Lauren its ok he’s in jail he can’t hurt you. I won’t let anyone hurt you baby,” I looked up into his brown eyes as he looked down into mine. I felt him lift me up as my feet carefully hit the ground, “Lauren your cold.” I hadn’t realized that I had been shivering as Josh took off his jacket and wrapped it around me. I wrapped my arms around him and looked at him; I gently licked my lips as he smiled. His mouth hit mine with passion and fire; I felt his tongue gently lick over my lips asking to enter my mouth. I gently smiled and opened a little letting his tongue explore the mystery my mouth holds. I pulled gently away as his lips kissed mine then my cheek, “I love you Lauren. One day I will marry you.” I kissed his lips gently pulling away, “I love you too Josh. And I hope so.” I gave a girly wink and started to walk away.  Yeah I started too walked away I made it pretty far until I felt Josh’s arms pick me up and carry me to the kitchen, “Put me down Josh.” I laughed as he threw me onto the couch. I laughed harder as Nick jumped on the couch and began to lick my face, “Eww doggy breath.” I pushed Nick away and laughed harder. I looked up past the couch at the clock it read 3 o’clock in bright blue. I gasped as Nick and Josh looked at me, “You too boys are late for work!” Josh walked towards me, “Me and Nick took the day off to be with you.” I held my hand out, “No you and Nick need to go.” He grabbed my hand kissing the top, “But baby…” I smiled, “I will be fine go help others now.” He walked over kissing my forehead and lips, “If you say so your majesty.” I laughed as he bowed and Nick laid down, “Get out of here boys.” I laughed as Josh grabbed his navy police jacket and open the door he turned and looked at me, “I love you Lauren.” I grabbed a pillow and throw it at him he easily caught it, “Hey!” he gave me a pouty face, “I love you too Josh.” He threw the pillow back and I caught it, “Bye sweetheart.” The door shut and all was quiet in the house.

I sat on the couch chair for three hours staring out the window waiting to see Josh’s headlights coming down the pathway. When I finally saw head lights they were from a police car not Josh’s jeep, I quickly jumped up and ran to the door. The car stopped but the drive left the engine running as he stepped out, I looked at my friend Evin also the Captain on the K9 group that Josh was a part of. His head was looked down when I looked at him, “What has happened?” He stepped towards me, “He only has a few weeks to live Lauren.” I looked at Evin, “Who? Who only has a few weeks?” He grabbed my hands, “Josh.” I gasped deep, “Take me to him now!” Evin walked around and opened the passenger door then raced around and got in the driver seat. “Evin what happened to him; and what happened to Nick?”  His silence worried me, “Evin tell me right now what happened!”  He sighed, “Well when Josh came in we got a call about a man had just robbed them and was armed running through the forest. I told Josh to stay but you know him he really likes helping people. So we got to the restaurant and Josh lead the search for the guy with Nick. Apparently Nick took off infront of Josh and when the criminal saw the dog they shot and when he saw Josh he shot again. Nick got up and attacked the guy but he shot again instantly killing Nick. Josh was too hurt to get the criminal, he phoned in his location and we picked him up and Nick. He was shot twice in the stomach, it was bad Lauren.” I couldn’t hold back the tears, “He wanted to marry me.” We pulled up at the hospital, I practically jumped out. I ran in and looked at the front nurse, “Josh Marshall what room?” She slowly typed, “I AM IN A HURRY!” She looked up at me as Evin walked in. He flashed his badge and she suddenly typed like it was the last day on earth, “Room 506 Miss.” I ran to the elevator that was on the 8th floor, I turned and ran for the stairs. I ran up the first floor and the second. Stopped to catch my breath then finally after 200 steps I made it to floor 5. I ran to the nurse desk, “Room 506 NOW!” She pointed and I took off, I opened the door quickly and looked at all his K9 buddies and there dogs. They all stood and bowed Evin opened the door, “Guys it’s time to leave.” Each one hugged me and kissed my cheeck and I patted each K9 on the head as they licked my hand. Evin put his hand on my shoulder, “Be strong Lauren.” He turned and left, leaving me in the room with all the machines and devices keeping Josh alive. I couldn’t hold back my tears, “Josh you can’t leave me.” I walked to the side of the bed and grabbed his hand holding it, “I remember the first time I meet you 4 long years ago. When Nick found me all alone scared I was going to die that he was going to kill me. Nick whimpered and walked towards me he barked once as he licked my hands. That’s when you walked out of the tree line and smiled at me and Nick. You ran over and picked me up I cried and looked beat up and you carried me to safety. I told you the story of what happened and you and Nick never left my side for two months till they locked up the guy. Then you just stayed anyways because you could tell I need the company which I did.” I felt his hand squeeze mine a little, “I stayed because I’ve loved you since I first meet you Lauren and I will forever.” I cried harder not knowing if I would be able to stop. “Lauren please stop crying for me,” I looked into his green eyes, “Lauren is Nick died?” I broke out crying as Josh tried to sit up but felt a lot of pain and cringed. I helped him sit up and he pulled my lips on his. I let his lips sink on mine as his tongue explored my mouth, I pulled back a little and looked at him, “Nicks died, and you don’t have long to live.” He stopped and looked shocked and then calmed down probably so I wouldn’t cry, “I need to leave this hospital and soon Lauren.” I clicked the “Nurse Help" button and held onto Josh’s hand. The nurse came in and I quickly read her name tag which said Mary. I smiled, “Mary I need the doctor please.” She nodded and left, “Josh I need you.” I felt a few tears fall as Josh let my hand go to whip them away, I left my face in his hand and he laughed a little. I looked at him and smiled as the doctor walked in, “Mr. Marshall how are you feeling?”  Josh smiled and looked at me, “I am doing a lot better now that she’s here.” The doctor laughed and I giggled and blushed too. “So doctor when can Josh come home with me?” He looked at me, “He can go home today if he would…” before he could finish Josh chimed in, “I would like to go home.” The doctor looked at me and Josh. Josh looked at me big green eyes and all, “Will you leave us please babe.” He kissed the top of my hand and I walked out. I looked at Evin and he hugged me, the doctor walked out and sighed walking down the hall. I waited a little and then Josh walked out, I smiled and grabbed his hand and kissed his cheek. “Evin will you take us home?” josh asked. He laughed, “You guys will have to be in the back.”  Josh and Evan laughed and I didn’t understand, I looked between the two buddies as they smiled. We walked outside and Evin left to get the car. I felt Josh pull me closer, “What did the doctor tell you how long do you have?” He looked down at me, “He said…” Evin pulled up in the cop car and I understood so I began to laugh hard, “I understand now,” I giggled. I looked back at Josh and glared at him, “What did he tell you.” He looked down and me, “Nothing.” He looked at the car, “I don’t believe you Josh.” He got in the back of the car and then I did I shut the door and scooted as close to it as I could. Josh touched my shoulder and I shrugged it off.  He forcefully turned my body so I would look at him, “He said a minimum of four weeks and a maximum of two months.” I began to cry as I slide my body closer to his and curled up next to him with my head on his chest. I slowly began to close my eyes and felt my body fall asleep. I had a moment were I felt like I was falling and sat up screaming. Josh grabbed me and held me tight, “I am right here baby.” He kissed my forehead and I cuddled back into him, “You two make me sick.” I laughed as we stopped outside our house and he looked in the rearview so I grabbed Josh’s head and full on kissed him. I took control and asked to enter his mouth I could feel his smile against my lips as he opened gently for me. I let our tongues meet and explore each other and then flew back as Evin honked his horn. They both laughed at me and I got out of the car in an angry fuss, “I am going to bed goodnight.” I got to the door and moved the flower pot to get the spare key. I unlocked the door and screamed loud when the lights turned on. I feel to my knees and turned away, “Josh! Evin!” They both ran for me and looked in and Josh picked me up carried me to our car, “Evin we are crashing at your house.” I felt him put me in the front and quickly got in the driver seat. I began to ball my eyes out, “He’s back and he’s after me. The one that got away and you don’t have long to live.”  He grabbed my hand, “I am not going anywhere for a while.” He kissed the top of my hand and drove for Evin's house.  I looked straight ahead, “I hate blood.” He squeezed my hand, “Don’t think about it Lauren think about me and you.” I closed my eyes but all I saw was opening the door and seeing all the pictures and the words in red, “I know where the key is. I know you escaped. And now I am here to finish the job.”  I opened my eyes as the car stopped and Josh parked the car. He jumped out and closed the door opening mine and picking me up out of it. He walked me up the steps and knocked on the door, “Who’s there?” I laughed, “The Rudolph and frosty.” The door opened and George another K9 unit man laughed, “Oh sure. So why are you here?” I looked at him and shivered, “The killer is back and after me.” George’s mouth dropped and he moved quickly away to let us in, “You two can take my room it’s the second door on the right I’ll take the couch.” We both nodded as we walked to the room, “I am so tired.” He nodded and laid me down on the bed. I wrapped the blanket around me and felt his body wrap around me, “Can I have some blanket babe?” I laughed, “No.” he sighed, “You learn a girls true strength when she hogs a blanket at night.” I gave him some of the blanket and he pulled me closer to his body, “Goodnight beautiful princess.” I smiled, “Night prince charming.” I heard his soft snoring and felt it lull me to sleep.    

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2014 ⏰

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