Kora Butler's List of Ten Things that can Ruin Your School Day

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 Ok, let's be completely honest here. School can be fun- I mean yes, it's not where most people want to be all day, but it's not that bad all of the time. I, especially, would know that. Trust me. I'm Kora Butler, resident "I'm in trouble again?" kid at Golden Oaks High School. I don't mean to get in trouble, but it just happens, you know? Well... I mean... I guess I did try to steal a toilet seat once... J.K. Rowling gave me some pretty good ideas, alright?

As I was saying, though, school isn't always half that bad. Even though I'm in the office half of the school day, it's still pretty fun. Besides the office, though, there are a lot of things that can go wrong, which ruin your school day. Trust me, I would know this too. Here's my list of ten things that could ruin your school day.

Forgetting that you have a test- oops, I didn't study!

This happened many times. I'm going to be completely honest with you right now: I don't really have a good memory. I rarely remember if I have tests, unless I write it down somewhere. But let me tell you about one of these experiences, the first one of high school. I was a nervous little freshman wreck in my math class. I was taking geometry that year and, honestly, that class was horrible.. I didn't quite understand it well enough to get along. I highly doubt anyone in that class did, except maybe Jonah Michaels, but you know, that doesn't really matter right now. So I was all happy that day, everything was fine. I joked around all morning, pretending to fall down stairs and sleeping in English class. Then, that all changed when I walked into my fourth period class.

"Alright everyone, clear your desks, it's time to take your test! I hope you all studied last night; this is probably the most difficult test you'll have all year."

Oh. Oh Joy. Father Almighty, help me. I'm probably going to die. Scratch that, I'm most definitely going to die.

As Mr. Clarke passed me the test, I sat still and faced the chalkboard as calmly as I could, trying to mask the absolute horror I felt growing in my stomach. I looked down at the first problem after Mr. Clarke went by.

Given that m<1 = 80\^o, m<3 = 95\^o, m<5 = 100\^o, Prove that m<4 =85\^o

Um... I should know this! This looks really simple! But you know what? I completely forgot how you set up a two-column proof. I forgot all of my theorems and laws and everything that Mr. Clarke had taught me. I nearly forgot my own name.

No, I didn't do well on that test. I didn't like that day. Let's just forgot that happened, now that I've told you all about it, shall we? We shall.

Tripping over your shoelaces and falling down the stairs- oops, sorry, pardon me, I need to get through!

Ok, so yes, I do pretend to trip down the stairs sometimes. It's great fun, if you know what you're doing. However, this was not pretended. This was an actual mistake. I actually tripped over my shoelaces and fell down the stairs on the second day of my sophomore year. How utterly embarrassing, to be a sophomore and still trip over your own shoelaces and fall down the stairs. Isn't it only supposed to be the freshman who do that? Well, apparently not.

So it was passing period before the last class of the day. I was running late, as my sixth period teacher decided that it would be nice to keep us after the bell rang. "The bell doesn't dismiss you, I do, and I still have things to teach!" Yeah, thanks Mrs. Fellar. She let us out literally two minutes before seventh period started, and my class was all the way on the other side of the campus! There was absolutely no way I was going to make it in time.

I rushed down the stairs, completely forgetting that my shoelaces weren't actually tied, and whoops! Well what do you know, I face planted on the stairs and slid down a few more stairs after that. I heard someone behind me snicker, and I felt my face start to burn in embarrassment as well as pain. I slowly pushed myself up and climbed down the rest of the stairs, where I promptly sat down and tried not to cry out in pain. I heard the bell ring, somewhere off in the distance, but I didn't pay too much attention. My face hurt too much for that.

Kora Butler's List of Ten Things that can Ruin Your School DayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora