Steven Adler's sister ~ Guns N' Roses/ Axl Rose fanfic

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How should I introduce myself... well, let me try this.

Hi, I'm Michelle Adler, Steven Adler's sister. We had the same blonde hair and blue eyes, except my nose was a bit smaller. Aside from being the sister of the drummer for Guns N' Roses, I was the band's tour manager. All the guys treated me as another member of the band. Well, except for Axl. He seemed to have a "thing" for me. With me being a 19-year-old girl, the guys had me do all their hair before each show. I had blisters and burns on my hands from constantly straightening and curling hair.

Anyways, I was finishing up straightening Axl's bangs, when "it" happened. But as I stepped back to look, I tripped over a lose wire, and fell to the ground. "Woah, are you ok?" Axl asked as he pulled me up. "Yeah, I'm-" I was cut off by Axl's bright blue eyes staring into mine. Our hands were still locked together. I could feel his warm breathe against my lips. I had always been attracted to Axl, I mean, how couldn't you be? He was prettier then most girls I knew.

Axl gave a small smirk before leaning in a kissing me. He put his hands around my waist and I felt my heart race a mile a minute. I picked up my arms, putting one around his neck and the other on the back of his head, weaving my fingers through his hair. I felt as though time had stopped, and it was just me and Axl, no one else in the world. This moment was broken by my brother walking in on us. "Michelle, are you almost d- uhh.." My eyes shot open and I turned my head to my brother wide eyed staring at my and Axl. "Um, yeah I'm done.." I scrambled my things together and quickly ran across the hall to Steven's dressing room.

His hair was easy, I just had to hairspray and puff it up. "Can I talk to you for a sec, sis?" Steven asked just as I was finishing up. "Um..Sure..." He stood up and looked me in the eye. "Don't let Axl get to you. If he pushes you to do something, make sure you make the right decision." Steven said before pulling me in for a hug. "I love you," he whispered. "I love you, too," I replied. "5 minutes!" Slash called from down the hall. Steven let go of me, and smiled before walking out the door.
"Great show, guys!" I gave each of the guys a hug as they came backstage. Surprisingly, none had brought groupies with them tonight. Axl tried to make it last, but Steven was staring at us, so I pulled away and mouthed "Sorry." Each of the guys went into their dressing rooms, and I followed my brother. I packed up my hair things and put them in my bag. We walked out, and when Axl came out of his dressing room and Steven put his arm around me, as keep Axl from doing so. I could feel that my brother didn't like the idea of me and Axl being together.

We all piled into the limo. I sat to the right of Duff, Steven sat next to me, and Izzy sat across from me, with Axl to his left. The ride was silent, and awkward.

We made it to the hotel, and after the guys got their rooms, I went with Steven into his room. I laid on the bed to the right and Steven on the other one. "Night, sis," he said before turning off the lights. "Goodnight."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2014 ⏰

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Steven Adler's sister ~ Guns N' Roses/ Axl Rose fanficWhere stories live. Discover now