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Icy: why are we doing this again?

Darcy: Cause we're bored and tired of plotting to destroy the winx... For now. 

Stormy: *nods* for now... Stupid Fairy's.  Oh!

Icy: Anyway. Ask and Dare us... I guess. 

Darcy:...I'm not sure if this'll turn out well. 

Icy: neither am I, but open the doors and roll the dice!

Stormy: she's got a point. Let's do this! 

Darcy: fallen.... Fallen so far

Icy: So quickly...

Stormy: Stop moping!  This is for 'Fun.'

Icy: -_-

Darcy:... Yea... 'Fun.'

Strong: there excited.  XP


Stormy: hey who knows.  Maybe you'll get dared to kiss Tritanus or Valtor?  ;)

Icy: O///O Shut up stormy. 

Darcy: *smirks* this just made it fun. 

Stormy: or maybe Darcy gets dared to kiss Rivin~?

Darcy: O///O icy's right... Shut up. 

Icy:.. Someone dare stormy first! 

Darcy: or ask her anything embarrassing! 

Stormy: H-hey?!

Icy: Its fair game now!  They get to decide now! 

Darcy: Yea!... Dare stormy!!

Stormy: hey?!

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