Captain America's Sister

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Steve Rodger's POV

I was watching the news, when a story came on about Shield finding a girl in the ice, not too far from where I was. I watched as they said that the girl was about fifteen, same age as my sister. They said she most likely went through a super soldier program, like mine. Then when they said she was still alive, I couldn't take it anymore, I started to cry and I ran off to my room on the Helicarrier. I sat on my bed, repeating to myself, it can't be true, it can't be true. But it was, Shield had found my sister.

Jessica Rodger's POV

I woke up on a table, and my first thought was, I bet the Red Skull has something to do with this. I heard someone say, "She's awake." I quickly got up and punched the first guy I saw. He stumbled, but kept his balance. I dropped to the ground, and swung my leg, knocking him to the ground. He stayed on the ground, unconscious. The next guy who ran in got a foot to his face. He fell to the ground, also unconscious. I grabbed my shield, which happened to be right by my bed. I ran out of the room, only to stop when I saw a familiar face.
"Steve!" I yelled as I ran and hugged my brother.
"Come on, let's get out of here before he finds out." I said, but Steve stopped me, and pointed out a nearby window. I gaped at the buildings, and the fact we were in the air.
"This isn't 1945, is it?" I asked. He sadly shook his head, no, and said, "It's 2014."

"Is Bucky still alive?" I asked, wanting to get over the bad news that he was dead. Steve surprised me by saying, "Yes, he still is, and he just happens to be on the Helicarrier, in a prison cell, right now." I stared in shock at my brother, who just laughed.
"When can I see him?" I asked, wanting to see him and catch up on what I missed while I was frozen.
"Tomorrow." Steve said, as he showed me to a room next to his. It was about 8:30, so I got ready, and went to bed.




Next chapter is Jessica's visit with Bucky Barnes.

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