one day we'll all be underground, and you can't pull yourself out.

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Snake & The Prairie Dogs; Cavetown

My sleeping schedule is so wrecked, and my anxiety is a mess and school starts in six days. Six. Fucking. Days.
I should really stop listening to this song because at first it was for enjoyment but then I realized how dark it was? Like they don't care about anything because they're going to die anyway? And their thoughts are very sad and dark and yIKES I CANT IMAGINE ROBBIE WRITING IT. But it's fucking with me because it's two in the morning and life just hit me like a brick because nothing I do matters anyway, we're all going to fucking die, but at the same time I think "fuck it! I know what's coming so I should make the most of it!" And I keep bouncing between those two mentalities and it's really affecting me and ahhhH I'm a mess because I hate talking about it.
It's late and I should really sleep but I'm just binge watching Cavetown.
I'm really sad though. Since I'm moving and all. It'd be nice to see some people before I go.
Wait just a fucking minute
Today is Tuesday
Oh my fucking god I need to go to sleep, I have to help move tomorrow and I'm going to be so tired

I don't know what this is but Welcome To The Madness :)

Difficult Difficult, Lemon Difficult;; spamWhere stories live. Discover now